1. Mason, D. 2008. Publisher's PenAnswers 3(4):6. CELD ID 21585.
Publisher's Pen
2. MM. 2008. Letter to the EditorAnswers 3(4):8. CELD ID 21586.
Letter to the Editor
3. W, M. 2008. Letter to the EditorAnswers 3(4):8. CELD ID 21587.
4. R, N. 2008. Letter to the EditorAnswers 3(4):8. CELD ID 21588.
5. A, G. 2008. Letter to the EditorAnswers 3(4):8. CELD ID 21589.
6. Bergman, J. 2008. Letter to the EditorAnswers 3(4):8. CELD ID 21590.
7. Lewisburg, EM. 2008. Letter to the EditorAnswers 3(4):8. CELD ID 21591.
8. anonymous. 2008. The Early Bird Catches the DinosaurAnswers 3(4):10. CELD ID 21592.
The Early Bird Catches the Dinosaur
9. anonymous. 2008. Time and Time AgainAnswers 3(4):10. CELD ID 21593.
Time and Time Again
10. anonymous. 2008. Out of the Box ThinkingAnswers 3(4):10. CELD ID 21594.
Out of the Box Thinking
11. anonymous. 2008. One of a Kind Cave Critters?Answers 3(4):11. CELD ID 21595.
One of a Kind Cave Critters?
12. anonymous. 2008. The Youngest Planet?Answers 3(4):11. CELD ID 21596.
The Youngest Planet?
13. anonymous. 2008. Recalling CreationAnswers 3(4):11. CELD ID 21597.
Recalling Creation
14. anonymous. 2008. Arctic InsuranceAnswers 3(4):12. CELD ID 21598.
Arctic Insurance
15. anonymous. 2008. The God Problem?Answers 3(4):12-13. CELD ID 21599.
The God Problem?
16. anonymous. 2008. Bible Belted in TexasAnswers 3(4):13. CELD ID 21600.
Bible Belted in Texas
17. anonymous. 2008. School ScareAnswers 3(4):12. CELD ID 21601.
School Scare
18. anonymous. 2008. Design-Denier Wins Religious RewardAnswers 3(4):13. CELD ID 21602.
Design-Denier Wins Religious Reward
19. anonymous. 2008. Oldest City?Answers 3(4):13. CELD ID 21603.
Oldest City?
20. anoymous. 2008. Class Now in SessionAnswers 3(4):14-15. CELD ID 21604.
Class Now in Session
21. anonymous. 2008. Visiting Museums-Be Not Afraid!Answers 3(4):14-15. CELD ID 21605.
Visiting Museums-Be Not Afraid!
22. anonymous. 2008. College Survival KitsAnswers 3(4):15. CELD ID 21606.
College Survival Kits
23. anonymous. 2008. Building Bridges with MuslimsAnswers 3(4):16-17. CELD ID 21607.
Building Bridges with Muslims
24. anonymous. 2008. Taking Care of the Creator's BusinessAnswers 3(4):17. CELD ID 21608.
Taking Care of the Creator's Business
25. anonymous. 2008. Creation truth comes to IndiaAnswers 3(4):13-17. CELD ID 21609.
Creation truth comes to India
26. anonymous. 2008. Equipping Students with the TruthAnswers 3(4):18. CELD ID 21610.
Equipping Students with the Truth
27. Breeding, D. 2008. Leapin' LemursAnswers 3(4):20-22. CELD ID 21611.
Leapin' Lemurs
28. anonymous. 2008. The Created World A Creationist Perspective: Part 1Answers 3(4):24-26. CELD ID 21612.
The Created World A Creationist Perspective: Part 1
29. Snelling, AA. 2008. Thirty Miles of Dirt in a DayAnswers 3(4):28-30. CELD ID 21613.
Thirty Miles of Dirt in a Day
30. Ham, K. 2008. Mature for Her "Age"Answers 3(4):31-32. CELD ID 21614.
Mature for Her "Age"
31. Wood, TC. 2008. Bara-what?Answers 3(4):33-35. CELD ID 21615.
32. anonymous. 2008. World Underwater: A creationist perspective: Part 2Answers 3(4):36-38. CELD ID 21616.
World Underwater: A creationist perspective: Part 2
33. Wise, K. 2008. Sinking a Floating ForestAnswers 3(4):40-45. CELD ID 21617.
Sinking a Floating Forest
34. Garner, P. 2008. Time for an Upgrade?Answers 3(4):46-50. CELD ID 21618.
Time for an Upgrade?
35. anonymous. 2008. The missing piece-A creationist perspectiveAnswers 3(4):61. CELD ID 21619.
The missing piece-A creationist perspective
36. Ford, LE. 2008. F.A.S.T. and FuriousAnswers 3(4):62-64. CELD ID 21620.
F.A.S.T. and Furious
37. anonymous. 2008. Post-Flood World-A Creationist Perspective: Part 3Answers 3(4):66-68. CELD ID 21621.
Post-Flood World-A Creationist Perspective: Part 3
38. Whitmore, J. 2008. Continuing CatastrophesAnswers 3(4):70-72. CELD ID 21622.
Continuing Catastrophes
39. Austin, S. 2008. Declining intensity of volcanic eruptions after Noah's FloodAnswers 3(4):73. CELD ID 21623.
Declining intensity of volcanic eruptions after Noah's Flood
40. Wood, TC. 2008. Horse Fossils and the Nature of ScienceAnswers 3(4):74-77. CELD ID 21624.
Horse Fossils and the Nature of Science
41. Vardiman, L. 2008. A Dark and Stormy WorldAnswers 3(4):78-81. CELD ID 21625.
A Dark and Stormy World
42. anonymous. 2008. Our Future World?: A Creationist Perspective: Part 4Answers 3(4):82-83. CELD ID 21626.
Our Future World?: A Creationist Perspective: Part 4
43. Christian, M. 2008. Global Warming in PerspectiveAnswers 3(4):84-89. CELD ID 21627.
Global Warming in Perspective
44. Wise, K; Allison, G. 2008. Loving Science, Loving GodAnswers 3(4):90-92. CELD ID 21628.
Loving Science, Loving God
45. Wood, TC; Snelling, AA. 2008. Looking Back and Moving ForwardAnswers 3(4):93-95. CELD ID 21629.
Looking Back and Moving Forward
46. Snelling, AA. 2008. Sand Transported Cross CountryAnswers 3(4):96-99. CELD ID 21630.
Sand Transported Cross Country
47. Cahill, M. 2008. A Ticket to Heaven . . . PricelessAnswers 3(4):100. CELD ID 21631.
A Ticket to Heaven . . . Priceless
48. Whitcomb, JC. 2008. Science "So Called"Answers 3(4):102-103. CELD ID 21632.
Science "So Called"
49. Gibbs, D. 2008. Don't Miss the MomentAnswers 3(4):104. CELD ID 21633.
Don't Miss the Moment
50. Matthews, M. 2008. The Wildest Goose Chase in Scientific History?Answers 3(4):106. CELD ID 21634.
The Wildest Goose Chase in Scientific History?