1. Mason, D. 2019. Publisher's Pen: Preschool SurpriseAnswers 14(6):10. CELD ID 27469.
Publisher's Pen: Preschool Surprise
2. Ham, K. 2019. In the Beginning: The Legacy of our Dear Colleague and Friend Dr. Tommy MitchellAnswers 14(6):12-13. CELD ID 27470.
In the Beginning: The Legacy of our Dear Colleague and Friend Dr. Tommy Mitchell
3. Faulkner, D.R.. 2019. Creation Basics: Is There Life on Other Planets?Answers 14(6):15-17. CELD ID 27471.
Creation Basics: Is There Life on Other Planets?
4. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: CRISPR and the CreatorAnswers 14(6):19-20. CELD ID 27472.
Science in Perspective: CRISPR and the Creator
5. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: Simple Bacteria Just Got ComplexAnswers 14(6):20. CELD ID 27473.
Science in Perspective: Simple Bacteria Just Got Complex
6. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: Smells Like MoreAnswers 14(6):21. CELD ID 27474.
Science in Perspective: Smells Like More
7. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perscpective: Age of the Dinosaurs...and Mammals?Answers 14(6):21. CELD ID 27475.
Science in Perscpective: Age of the Dinosaurs...and Mammals?
8. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: Squirt ScienceAnswers 14(6):22. CELD ID 27476.
Science in Perspective: Squirt Science
9. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: Reef RelocationAnswers 14(6):22. CELD ID 27477.
Science in Perspective: Reef Relocation
10. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: Plant MusicAnswers 14(6):23. CELD ID 27478.
Science in Perspective: Plant Music
11. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: The End of the TrailAnswers 14(6):24-25. CELD ID 27479.
Science in Perspective: The End of the Trail
12. Faulkner, D.R.. 2019. Science in Perspective: Is the Bible's Cosmology Borrowed from Pagan Myths?Answers 14(6):26-28. CELD ID 27480.
Science in Perspective: Is the Bible's Cosmology Borrowed from Pagan Myths?
13. Anonymous. 2019. Science in Perspective: Where Did Proteins Come From?Answers 14(6):29. CELD ID 27481.
Science in Perspective: Where Did Proteins Come From?
14. McDorman, S. 2019. Creation on Display: Thriving in a Winter WonderlandAnswers 14(6):31-33. CELD ID 27482.
Creation on Display: Thriving in a Winter Wonderland
15. Smith, C. 2019. Creation on Display: Millons of Micro MoversAnswers 14(6):34-35. CELD ID 27483.
Creation on Display: Millons of Micro Movers
16. Anonymous. 2019. Creation on Display: The Perforated PantryAnswers 14(6):36. CELD ID 27484.
Creation on Display: The Perforated Pantry
17. Anonymous. 2019. Bible & Culture: The Failure of Atheist ChurchesAnswers 14(6):39-40. CELD ID 27485.
Bible & Culture: The Failure of Atheist Churches
18. Anonymous. 2019. Bible & Culture: Refusal to Date Transgender People is "Dehumanizing"Answers 14(6):40. CELD ID 27486.
Bible & Culture: Refusal to Date Transgender People is "Dehumanizing"
19. Anonymous. 2019. Bible & Culture: Lutherans Take a Stand for CreationAnswers 14(6):41. CELD ID 27487.
Bible & Culture: Lutherans Take a Stand for Creation
20. Anonymous. 2019. Bible & Culture: Teen Prostitution in VogueAnswers 14(6):41. CELD ID 27488.
Bible & Culture: Teen Prostitution in Vogue
21. Bird, K. 2019. Bible & Culture: Is a Biblical Worldview Optional?Answers 14(6):42-45. CELD ID 27489.
Bible & Culture: Is a Biblical Worldview Optional?
22. Anonymous. 2019. Bible & Culture: How Does Genesis Affect My View of Death and Suffering?Answers 14(6):46. CELD ID 27490.
Bible & Culture: How Does Genesis Affect My View of Death and Suffering?
23. Burgess, S. 2019. An Eye for Every OccasionAnswers 14(6):48-56. CELD ID 27491.
An Eye for Every Occasion
24. Patterson, R, Turpin, S. 2019. God's Other BookAnswers 14(6):58-63. CELD ID 27492.
God's Other Book
25. Wild, M. 2019. Cichlid Variety--Fishy EvolutionAnswers 14(6):64-70. CELD ID 27493.
Cichlid Variety--Fishy Evolution
26. White, A. 2019. What Scientists Ignore About Climate ChangeAnswers 14(6):72-76. CELD ID 27494.
What Scientists Ignore About Climate Change
27. Matthews, M. 2019. Creation Every Day: Unlike Any Other BeanAnswers 14(6):82. CELD ID 27495.
Creation Every Day: Unlike Any Other Bean