1. Mason, D. 2019. Unexpected ConnectionsAnswers 14(1):10. CELD ID 26642.
Unexpected Connections
2. Ham, K. 2019. What Happened to Western Civilization?Answers 14(1):12-13. CELD ID 26643.
What Happened to Western Civilization?
3. Sneed, D. 2019. The Case for CreationAnswers 14(1):15-16. CELD ID 26644.
The Case for Creation
4. Anonymous. 2019. Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?Answers 14(1):17. CELD ID 26645.
Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?
5. Anonymous. 2019. With Fronds Like These...Answers 14(1):19-20. CELD ID 26646.
With Fronds Like These...
6. Anonymous. 2019. WaterworldAnswers 14(1):20. CELD ID 26647.
7. Anonymous. 2019. Nimble NeanderthalsAnswers 14(1):21. CELD ID 26648.
Nimble Neanderthals
8. Anonymous. 2019. Absent from the BodyAnswers 14(1):21. CELD ID 26649.
Absent from the Body
9. Anonymous. 2019. Lizards on LavaAnswers 14(1):22. CELD ID 26650.
Lizards on Lava
10. Anonymous. 2019. Complex from the BeginningAnswers 14(1):23. CELD ID 26651.
Complex from the Beginning
11. Anonymous. 2019. Of Mice and MarathonersAnswers 14(1):23. CELD ID 26652.
Of Mice and Marathoners
12. Rivera, JH. 2019. Close, But Not Close Enough-FingerprintsAnswers 14(1):24-25. CELD ID 26653.
Close, But Not Close Enough-Fingerprints
13. Snelling, AA. 2019. Stumped by Forests in AntarcticaAnswers 14(1):26-29. CELD ID 26654.
Stumped by Forests in Antarctica
14. Anonymous. 2019. Embryos Reveal Evolutionary History?Answers 14(1):30. CELD ID 26655.
Embryos Reveal Evolutionary History?
15. Francis, J. 2019. Unicorn of the SeaAnswers 14(1):33-35. CELD ID 26656.
Unicorn of the Sea
16. Francis, J. 2019. There's a Map for ThatAnswers 14(1):36-37. CELD ID 26657.
There's a Map for That
17. Anonymous. 2019. All Eyes on the CreatorAnswers 14(1):38. CELD ID 26658.
All Eyes on the Creator
18. Anonymous. 2019. Trying to Say Wrong Is RightAnswers 14(1):41-42. CELD ID 26659.
Trying to Say Wrong Is Right
19. Anonymous. 2019. Under Fire for Stating the ObviousAnswers 14(1):42. CELD ID 26660.
Under Fire for Stating the Obvious
20. Anonymous. 2019. Great Britain Eliminating FemalesAnswers 14(1):43. CELD ID 26661.
Great Britain Eliminating Females
21. Anonymous. 2019. Christian Valentines BannedAnswers 14(1):43. CELD ID 26662.
Christian Valentines Banned
22. Edwards, BH. 2019. Trusting the TextAnswers 14(1):44-47. CELD ID 26663.
Trusting the Text
23. Golden, S. 2019. Is Male Headship a Curse?Answers 14(1):48. CELD ID 26664.
Is Male Headship a Curse?
24. Dent, L. 2019. Life's Hidden MarvelAnswers 14(1):50-57. CELD ID 26665.
Life's Hidden Marvel
25. de Blecourt, K. 2019. Pro-Life: Beyond AbortionAnswers 14(1):60-65. CELD ID 26666.
Pro-Life: Beyond Abortion
26. McKeever, S. 2019. An Unlikely MasterpieceAnswers 14(1):66-71. CELD ID 26667.
An Unlikely Masterpiece
27. Webb, M. 2019. Healing in Even the Darkest PlacesAnswers 14(1):72-78. CELD ID 26668.
Healing in Even the Darkest Places
28. Matthews, M. 2019. Ouch!Answers 14(1):82. CELD ID 26669.