1. Matthews, M. 2018. Editor's Note: Our Humble CreatorAnswers 13(6):10. CELD ID 26613.
Editor's Note: Our Humble Creator
2. Ham, K. 2018. Leading the WayAnswers 13(6):12-13. CELD ID 26614.
Leading the Way
3. Chaffey, T. 2018. Digging Up the Truth About DinosaursAnswers 13(6):15-16. CELD ID 26615.
Digging Up the Truth About Dinosaurs
4. Anonymous. 2018. Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?Answers 13(6):17. CELD ID 26616.
Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?
5. Altman, K. 2018. Pint-Sized PrizefightersAnswers 13(6):19-21. CELD ID 26617.
Pint-Sized Prizefighters
6. Wilson, G. 2018. Method to the MadnessAnswers 13(6):22-24. CELD ID 26618.
Method to the Madness
7. Anonymous. 2018. Cracking the Eggshell's SecretAnswers 13(6):26. CELD ID 26619.
Cracking the Eggshell's Secret
8. Anonymous. 2018. DNA ParamedicsAnswers 13(6):29-30. CELD ID 26620.
DNA Paramedics
9. Anonymous. 2018. Following the Bread Crumb TrailAnswers 13(6):30. CELD ID 26621.
Following the Bread Crumb Trail
10. Anonymous. 2018. Crayfish Clone ArmyAnswers 13(6):30. CELD ID 26622.
Crayfish Clone Army
11. Anonymous. 2018. Our Sun Is SpecialAnswers 13(6):31. CELD ID 26623.
Our Sun Is Special
12. Anonymous. 2018. Complex Shape Found in CellsAnswers 13(6):31. CELD ID 26624.
Complex Shape Found in Cells
13. Anonymous. 2018. Particles from Distant Space!Answers 13(6):32. CELD ID 26625.
Particles from Distant Space!
14. Anonymous. 2018. Made-to-Order FossilsAnswers 13(6):32. CELD ID 26626.
Made-to-Order Fossils
15. Anonymous. 2018. Out of...Asia?Answers 13(6):33. CELD ID 26627.
Out of...Asia?
16. Wilson, G. 2018. Why Are Wasps So Evil?Answers 13(6):34-37. CELD ID 26628.
Why Are Wasps So Evil?
17. Anonymous. 2018. Ducks & Dinosaurs Together?Answers 13(6):38-39. CELD ID 26629.
Ducks & Dinosaurs Together?
18. Anonymous. 2018. Similar Traits Evolved Independently?Answers 13(6):40. CELD ID 26630.
Similar Traits Evolved Independently?
19. Anonymous. 2018. Darwin's Push Back in the ClassroomAnswers 13(6):43-44. CELD ID 26631.
Darwin's Push Back in the Classroom
20. Anonymous. 2018. Military Replaces the Bible with "Book of Faith"Answers 13(6):44. CELD ID 26632.
Military Replaces the Bible with "Book of Faith"
21. Anonymous. 2018. A Baby Without a Gender?Answers 13(6):45. CELD ID 26633.
A Baby Without a Gender?
22. Anonymous. 2018. Confused about Gender ConfusionAnswers 13(6):45. CELD ID 26634.
Confused about Gender Confusion
23. Farris, MP. 2018. Does Father Know Best?Answers 13(6):46-47. CELD ID 26635.
Does Father Know Best?
24. Anonymous. 2018. How Does Genesis Affect Our View of Family?Answers 13(6):48. CELD ID 26636.
How Does Genesis Affect Our View of Family?
25. Mitchell, E. 2018. Why Do We Age?Answers 13(6):50-57. CELD ID 26637.
Why Do We Age?
26. Friel, T. 2018. Ken Ham-The Man Everyone Loves to HateAnswers 13(6):60-69. CELD ID 26638.
Ken Ham-The Man Everyone Loves to Hate
27. Faulkner, DR. 2018. Falling for a Flat EarthAnswers 13(6):70-76. CELD ID 26639.
Falling for a Flat Earth
28. Anonymous. 2018. The Sound of a Transformed LifeAnswers 13(6):78-80. CELD ID 26640.
The Sound of a Transformed Life
29. Matthews, M. 2018. In the CloudsAnswers 13(6):82. CELD ID 26641.
In the Clouds