1. Mason, D. 2018. Publisher's Pen: The Fall in the FallAnswers 13(5):10. CELD ID 26582.
Publisher's Pen: The Fall in the Fall
2. Ham, K. 2018. Are We Living in Days Like Noah's?Answers 13(5):12-13. CELD ID 26583.
Are We Living in Days Like Noah's?
3. Faulkner, DR. 2018. How Old Is the Earth?Answers 13(5):15-16. CELD ID 26584.
How Old Is the Earth?
4. Anonymous. 2018. Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?Answers 13(5):17. CELD ID 26585.
Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?
5. Ebert, J. 2018. King of the Treetop TrapezeAnswers 13(5):19-21. CELD ID 26586.
King of the Treetop Trapeze
6. UpChurch, J. 2018. Death's Cleanup CrewAnswers 13(5):22-25. CELD ID 26587.
Death's Cleanup Crew
7. Rivera, J. 2018. A Ticking Clocl to Determine Time of DeathAnswers 13(5):25. CELD ID 26588.
A Ticking Clocl to Determine Time of Death
8. Anonymous. 2018. Catch and ReleaseAnswers 13(5):26. CELD ID 26589.
Catch and Release
9. Anonymous. 2018. Out-of-this-world ThinkingAnswers 13(5):29-30. CELD ID 26590.
Out-of-this-world Thinking
10. Anonymous. 2018. Stone Age SailorsAnswers 13(5):30. CELD ID 26591.
Stone Age Sailors
11. Anonymous. 2018. I'll Be BackAnswers 13(5):31. CELD ID 26592.
I'll Be Back
12. Anonymous. 2018. Lizards From VulcanAnswers 13(5):31. CELD ID 26593.
Lizards From Vulcan
13. Anonymous. 2018. Ancient StarchAnswers 13(5):32. CELD ID 26594.
Ancient Starch
14. Anonymous. 2018. Jump SchoolAnswers 13(5):32. CELD ID 26595.
Jump School
15. Anonymous. 2018. Life on Mars at LastAnswers 13(5):33. CELD ID 26596.
Life on Mars at Last
16. Anonymous. 2018. Over the River and Through the WoodsAnswers 13(5):33. CELD ID 26597.
Over the River and Through the Woods
17. Purdom, G. 2018. Are Some People Born Gay?Answers 13(5):34-36. CELD ID 26598.
Are Some People Born Gay?
18. Matthews, M. 2018. Civilizations Lost to the SeaAnswers 13(5):38-39. CELD ID 26599.
Civilizations Lost to the Sea
19. Anonymous. 2018. Did Lucy Walk?Answers 13(5):40. CELD ID 26600.
Did Lucy Walk?
20. Anonymous. 2018. A Win for ReligiousLiberty?Answers 13(5):43-44. CELD ID 26601.
A Win for ReligiousLiberty?
21. Anonymous. 2018. No Service AllowedAnswers 13(5):44. CELD ID 26602.
No Service Allowed
22. Anonymous. 2018. Smartphone SonogramAnswers 13(5):45. CELD ID 26603.
Smartphone Sonogram
23. Anonymous. 2018. Don't Mess with my EvolutionAnswers 13(5):45. CELD ID 26604.
Don't Mess with my Evolution
24. Turpin, S. 2018. How Much Does God Know About the Future?Answers 13(5):46-49. CELD ID 26605.
How Much Does God Know About the Future?
25. Patterson, R. 2018. Testing the TeachersAnswers 13(5):50-51. CELD ID 26606.
Testing the Teachers
26. Anonymous. 2018. Just me and my BibleAnswers 13(5):50-51. CELD ID 26607.
Just me and my Bible
27. Webb, M. 2018. Creation Scientists-The Next GenerationAnswers 13(5):52-61. CELD ID 26608.
Creation Scientists-The Next Generation
28. Tomkins, J. 2018. A Time for EverythingAnswers 13(5):64-69. CELD ID 26609.
A Time for Everything
29. Snelling, AA. 2018. How Reliable are Dates for Human FossilsAnswers 13(5):70-76. CELD ID 26610.
How Reliable are Dates for Human Fossils
30. Anonymous. 2018. Teaching Evolution with a New EmphasisAnswers 13(5):78-80. CELD ID 26611.
Teaching Evolution with a New Emphasis
31. Matthews, M. 2018. Taking FlightAnswers 13(5):82. CELD ID 26612.
Taking Flight