1. Mason, D. 2018. Publisher's Pen: Shem's Lost NotebookAnswers 13(4):10. CELD ID 26552.
Publisher's Pen: Shem's Lost Notebook
2. Ham, K . 2018. Disarming SkepticsAnswers 13(4):11-12. CELD ID 26553.
Disarming Skeptics
3. Osborne, B. 2018. What's Behind Today's Attacks on MarriageAnswers 13(4):15-16. CELD ID 26554.
What's Behind Today's Attacks on Marriage
4. Anonymous. 2018. Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?Answers 13(4):17. CELD ID 26555.
Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?
5. Bruce, HB. 2018. Wolves-Strength of the PackAnswers 13(4):19-21. CELD ID 26556.
Wolves-Strength of the Pack
6. Webb, M. 2018. Out of the Blue-Animal ColorAnswers 13(4):22-23. CELD ID 26557.
Out of the Blue-Animal Color
7. Anonymous. 2018. Choral ReefAnswers 13(4):25. CELD ID 26558.
Choral Reef
8. Criswell, D. 2018. Lymphocytes-Our Body's Dynamic DefendersAnswers 13(4):26-28. CELD ID 26559.
Lymphocytes-Our Body's Dynamic Defenders
9. Anonymous. 2018. Science and RaceAnswers 13(4):31-32. CELD ID 26560.
Science and Race
10. Anonymous. 2018. Over-evolving a FungusAnswers 13(4):32. CELD ID 26561.
Over-evolving a Fungus
11. Anonymous. 2018. The Call of the SeaAnswers 13(4):32. CELD ID 26562.
The Call of the Sea
12. Anonymous. 2018. Cancer GlassesAnswers 13(4):33. CELD ID 26563.
Cancer Glasses
13. Anonymous. 2018. Hiding in Plain SightAnswers 13(4):33. CELD ID 26564.
Hiding in Plain Sight
14. Anonymous. 2018. Computing Evolutionary AncestorsAnswers 13(4):34. CELD ID 26565.
Computing Evolutionary Ancestors
15. Anonymous. 2018. The Sky is FallingAnswers 13(4):35. CELD ID 26566.
The Sky is Falling
16. Anonymous. 2018. Rewriting History-AgainAnswers 13(4):35. CELD ID 26567.
Rewriting History-Again
17. Faulkner, DR. 2018. Global Catastrophe-Anywhere but EarthAnswers 13(4):36-39. CELD ID 26568.
Global Catastrophe-Anywhere but Earth
18. Purdom, G. 2018. Bacteria Back from the Grave-Lazarus BacteriaAnswers 13(4):40-41. CELD ID 26569.
Bacteria Back from the Grave-Lazarus Bacteria
19. Anonymous. 2018. Can Present Processes Explain the Past?Answers 13(4):42. CELD ID 26570.
Can Present Processes Explain the Past?
20. Anonymous. 2018. A New Kind of StudentAnswers 13(4):45-46. CELD ID 26571.
A New Kind of Student
21. Anonymous. 2018. Believing a Fairy TaleAnswers 13(4):46. CELD ID 26572.
Believing a Fairy Tale
22. Anonymous. 2018. Trumpeting Abortion in the Bible BeltAnswers 13(4):47. CELD ID 26573.
Trumpeting Abortion in the Bible Belt
23. Anonymous. 2018. Dying TogetherAnswers 13(4):47. CELD ID 26574.
Dying Together
24. Scharf, P. 2018. How to Seek Unity in the Midst of DivisionAnswers 13(4):48-50. CELD ID 26575.
How to Seek Unity in the Midst of Division
25. Friel, T. 2018. How Do I Stay Humble When I Know I'm Right?Answers 13(4):51. CELD ID 26576.
How Do I Stay Humble When I Know I'm Right?
26. Chaffey, T. 2018. How Could Noah's Ark Survive the Storm?Answers 13(4):52-60. CELD ID 26577.
How Could Noah's Ark Survive the Storm?
27. Tomkins, JP. 2018. Evolution's Surprising New CriticsAnswers 13(4):62-68. CELD ID 26578.
Evolution's Surprising New Critics
28. Snelling, AA. 2018. Making More of the MountainsAnswers 13(4):70-76. CELD ID 26579.
Making More of the Mountains
29. Anonymous. 2018. Exploring God's World Through a New LensAnswers 13(4):78-80. CELD ID 26580.
Exploring God's World Through a New Lens
30. Anonymous. 2018. God's Sewer SystemAnswers 13(4):82. CELD ID 26581.
God's Sewer System