1. Mason, D. 2018. Publisher's Pen: Carlsbad DadAnswers 13(3):10. CELD ID 26523.
Publisher's Pen: Carlsbad Dad
2. Ham, K. 2018. "Your Story's Better"Answers 13(3):12-13. CELD ID 26524.
"Your Story's Better"
3. Chaffey, T. 2018. A Flood of EvidenceAnswers 13(3):15-16. CELD ID 26525.
A Flood of Evidence
4. Anonymous. 2018. Why is Creation such a Big Deal?Answers 13(3):17. CELD ID 26526.
Why is Creation such a Big Deal?
5. Altman, K. 2018. Magnificent MonstersAnswers 13(3):19-21. CELD ID 26527.
Magnificent Monsters
6. Webb, M. 2018. God's Provision for PotteryAnswers 13(3):22-23. CELD ID 26528.
God's Provision for Pottery
7. Bruce, HB. 2018. Fill in the BlanksAnswers 13(3):24-25. CELD ID 26529.
Fill in the Blanks
8. Anonymous. 2018. Seeing RedAnswers 13(3):26. CELD ID 26530.
Seeing Red
9. Anonymous. 2018. Another Cloning MilestoneAnswers 13(3):29-30. CELD ID 26531.
Another Cloning Milestone
10. Anonymous. 2018. Don't Threaten the Sacred CowAnswers 13(3):30. CELD ID 26532.
Don't Threaten the Sacred Cow
11. Anonymous. 2018. Polar Bear PuzzleAnswers 13(3):31. CELD ID 26533.
Polar Bear Puzzle
12. Anonymous. 2018. Statistics, Biology, and AssumptionsAnswers 13(3):32. CELD ID 26534.
Statistics, Biology, and Assumptions
13. Anonymous. 2018. Cloudy TheoryAnswers 13(3):32. CELD ID 26535.
Cloudy Theory
14. Anonymous. 2018. Big BirdsAnswers 13(3):32. CELD ID 26536.
Big Birds
15. Anonymous. 2018. Early Man Had ChildrenAnswers 13(3):33. CELD ID 26537.
Early Man Had Children
16. Mitchell, E. 2018. Is There Anything Good About Pain?Answers 13(3):34-36. CELD ID 26538.
Is There Anything Good About Pain?
17. Snelling, AA. 2018. Mudrocks in MinutesAnswers 13(3):38-39. CELD ID 26539.
Mudrocks in Minutes
18. Anonymous. 2018. Giant ImpactAnswers 13(3):40. CELD ID 26540.
Giant Impact
19. Anonymous. 2018. It's Healthy to Swear, So They SayAnswers 13(3):43-44. CELD ID 26541.
It's Healthy to Swear, So They Say
20. Anonymous. 2018. Has Isaiah's Signature Been Found?Answers 13(3):44. CELD ID 26542.
Has Isaiah's Signature Been Found?
21. Anonymous. 2018. Gerber Baby of the YearAnswers 13(3):44. CELD ID 26543.
Gerber Baby of the Year
22. Anonymous. 2018. A Step in the Right DirectionAnswers 13(3):45. CELD ID 26544.
A Step in the Right Direction
23. Faulkner, DR. 2018. Is There a Flood in the Stars?Answers 13(3):46-47. CELD ID 26545.
Is There a Flood in the Stars?
24. Anonymous. 2018. How Does Genesis Affect My View of Marriage?Answers 13(3):48. CELD ID 26546.
How Does Genesis Affect My View of Marriage?
25. Sanders, R, McShurley, B. 2018. Flowers-Not Just a Pretty FaceAnswers 13(3):50-56. CELD ID 26547.
Flowers-Not Just a Pretty Face
26. UpChurch, J. 2018. The History of the Universe-In Seven Bible VersesAnswers 13(3):58-66. CELD ID 26548.
The History of the Universe-In Seven Bible Verses
27. Matthews, M. 2018. Caves-Underground and Upside DownAnswers 13(3):68-76. CELD ID 26549.
Caves-Underground and Upside Down
28. Anonymous. 2018. The Gospel Goes to CollegeAnswers 13(3):78-80. CELD ID 26550.
The Gospel Goes to College
29. Anonymous. 2018. Manna for EveryoneAnswers 13(3):82. CELD ID 26551.
Manna for Everyone