1. Matthews, M. 2018. Editor's Note: I Am a Man Under AuthorityAnswers 13(1):10. CELD ID 26463.
Editor's Note: I Am a Man Under Authority
2. Ham, K. 2018. No One is Good Except God AloneAnswers 13(1):12-13. CELD ID 26464.
No One is Good Except God Alone
3. Patterson, R. 2018. The Importance of Missing LinksAnswers 13(1):15-16. CELD ID 26465.
The Importance of Missing Links
4. Anonymous. 2018. Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?Answers 13(1):17. CELD ID 26466.
Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?
5. Wilson, G. 2018. It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a...Moth?Answers 13(1):19-21. CELD ID 26467.
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a...Moth?
6. Webb, M. 2018. Searching for a Sticky SolutionAnswers 13(1):22-23. CELD ID 26468.
Searching for a Sticky Solution
7. Tomkins, J. 2018. A Change for the BetterAnswers 13(1):24-25. CELD ID 26469.
A Change for the Better
8. Anonymous. 2018. Squirt Gun SharpshooterAnswers 13(1):26. CELD ID 26470.
Squirt Gun Sharpshooter
9. Anonymous. 2018. Yellowstone Close to EruptionAnswers 13(1):29-30. CELD ID 26471.
Yellowstone Close to Eruption
10. Anonymous. 2018. Spiders Don't Do the TwistAnswers 13(1):30. CELD ID 26472.
Spiders Don't Do the Twist
11. Anonymous. 2018. Blind DesignAnswers 13(1):31. CELD ID 26473.
Blind Design
12. Anonymous. 2018. Coming to AmericaAnswers 13(1):31. CELD ID 26474.
Coming to America
13. Anonymous. 2018. A Cosmological ConundrumAnswers 13(1):32. CELD ID 26475.
A Cosmological Conundrum
14. Anonymous. 2018. Individualizing Medicine-One Size Doesn't Fit AllAnswers 13(1):33. CELD ID 26476.
Individualizing Medicine-One Size Doesn't Fit All
15. Anonymous. 2018. The Difficulty of Reproducible Lab Tests in BiologyAnswers 13(1):33. CELD ID 26477.
The Difficulty of Reproducible Lab Tests in Biology
16. Francis, J. 2018. Smarter Than You ThinkAnswers 13(1):34-37. CELD ID 26478.
Smarter Than You Think
17. Snelling, AA. 2018. Clues from Creation WeekAnswers 13(1):38-40. CELD ID 26479.
Clues from Creation Week
18. Anonymous. 2018. Evolution in Action?Answers 13(1):42. CELD ID 26480.
Evolution in Action?
19. Anonymous. 2018. Boy Scouts?Answers 13(1):45-46. CELD ID 26481.
Boy Scouts?
20. Anonymous. 2018. Eliminating Down SyndromeAnswers 13(1):46. CELD ID 26482.
Eliminating Down Syndrome
21. Anonymous. 2018. Natural Disasters-God Getting His Revenge?Answers 13(1):47. CELD ID 26483.
Natural Disasters-God Getting His Revenge?
22. Anonymous. 2018. Atheists Believe Other Atheists are ImmoralAnswers 13(1):47. CELD ID 26484.
Atheists Believe Other Atheists are Immoral
23. Strachan, O. 2018. The Answer for a Culture in ChaosAnswers 13(1):48-50. CELD ID 26485.
The Answer for a Culture in Chaos
24. Menton, D . 2018. How Can People Believe All Life Evolved by Chance?Answers 13(1):51. CELD ID 26486.
How Can People Believe All Life Evolved by Chance?
25. Barry, R. 2018. The Origin of Species-Darwin's Is Work Being Undone by Modern GeneticsAnswers 13(1):54-60. CELD ID 26487.
The Origin of Species-Darwin's Is Work Being Undone by Modern Genetics
26. Hennigan, T. 2018. How the Arctic Fox Got Its Winter WardrobeAnswers 13(1):62-67. CELD ID 26488.
How the Arctic Fox Got Its Winter Wardrobe
27. Whitmore, JH. 2018. Sculpting a New Home-5 Ways God Shaped Our Present WorldAnswers 13(1):68-76. CELD ID 26489.
Sculpting a New Home-5 Ways God Shaped Our Present World
28. Anonymous. 2018. Sharing Creation Truth in BrazilAnswers 13(1):78-80. CELD ID 26490.
Sharing Creation Truth in Brazil
29. Anonymous. 2018. The Secret Ingredient to an Exciting ClassAnswers 13(1):80. CELD ID 26491.
The Secret Ingredient to an Exciting Class
30. Anonymous. 2018. Silent WitnessAnswers 13(1):82. CELD ID 26492.
Silent Witness