1. Mason, D. 2017. Publisher's Pen: That Really Really Big Hole in the GroundAnswers 12(4):10 . CELD ID 26371.
Publisher's Pen: That Really Really Big Hole in the Ground
2. Ham, K. 2017. Coping with CriticismAnswers 12(4):12-13. CELD ID 26372.
Coping with Criticism
3. Chaffey, T. 2017. The Longest Week Ever?Answers 12(4):15-16. CELD ID 26373.
The Longest Week Ever?
4. Anonymous. 2017. Why is Creation such a Big Deal?Answers 12(4):17. CELD ID 26374.
Why is Creation such a Big Deal?
5. Wilson, G. 2017. Decked Out for the DesertAnswers 12(4):19-21. CELD ID 26375.
Decked Out for the Desert
6. Anonymous. 2017. Every Tail Has a TaleAnswers 12(4):22-23. CELD ID 26376.
Every Tail Has a Tale
7. Anonymous. 2017. God's EarthmoversAnswers 12(4):24. CELD ID 26377.
God's Earthmovers
8. Anonymous. 2017. South America's Overgrown GardenAnswers 12(4):27-28. CELD ID 26378.
South America's Overgrown Garden
9. Anonymous. 2017. Wasps Teach Drones to FlyAnswers 12(4):28. CELD ID 26379.
Wasps Teach Drones to Fly
10. Anonymous. 2017. WHAT?Answers 12(4):28. CELD ID 26380.
11. Anonymous. 2017. Giant Dinosaurs' Zigzag BonesAnswers 12(4):29. CELD ID 26381.
Giant Dinosaurs' Zigzag Bones
12. Anonymous. 2017. Neanderthal MedicineAnswers 12(4):30. CELD ID 26382.
Neanderthal Medicine
13. Anonymous. 2017. Dr. FraudAnswers 12(4):30. CELD ID 26383.
Dr. Fraud
14. Anonymous. 2017. Darkness Falls Across the NationAnswers 12(4):31. CELD ID 26384.
Darkness Falls Across the Nation
15. Doran, N. 2017. How to Solve a Monster MysteryAnswers 12(4):32-34. CELD ID 26385.
How to Solve a Monster Mystery
16. Tagliapietra, R. 2017. Is Improbability the Best Arguement Against Evolution?Answers 12(4):36-37. CELD ID 26386.
Is Improbability the Best Arguement Against Evolution?
17. Anonymous. 2017. Slow Processes Over a Long Time?Answers 12(4):38. CELD ID 26387.
Slow Processes Over a Long Time?
18. Anonymous. 2017. Evangelism on the DeadlineAnswers 12(4):41-42. CELD ID 26388.
Evangelism on the Deadline
19. Anonymous. 2017. A Church Without GodAnswers 12(4):42. CELD ID 26389.
A Church Without God
20. Anonymous. 2017. River RightsAnswers 12(4):43. CELD ID 26390.
River Rights
21. Anonymous. 2017. The Crime of Preaching...In BritainAnswers 12(4):43. CELD ID 26391.
The Crime of Preaching...In Britain
22. Strachan, O. 2017. Bringing Clarity to a Confused WorldAnswers 12(4):44-47. CELD ID 26392.
Bringing Clarity to a Confused World
23. Sullivan, D. 2017. Should We Update God's Design?Answers 12(4):48-49. CELD ID 26393.
Should We Update God's Design?
24. Matthews, M. 2017. Grand Canyon-Nine Days Below the RimAnswers 12(4):50-67. CELD ID 26394.
Grand Canyon-Nine Days Below the Rim
25. Hennigan, T. 2017. Hummingbirds-Avian Acrobats of the AmericasAnswers 12(4):70-76. CELD ID 26395.
Hummingbirds-Avian Acrobats of the Americas
26. Bruce, HB. 2017. Is This Science?Answers 12(4):78-82. CELD ID 26396.
Is This Science?
27. Anonymous. 2017. The Value of a Fictional NaohAnswers 12(4):84-85. CELD ID 26397.
The Value of a Fictional Naoh
28. Anonymous. 2017. A One-of-a-Kind CampAnswers 12(4):86. CELD ID 26398.
A One-of-a-Kind Camp
29. Anonymous. 2017. Sharing Food and the GospelAnswers 12(4):86. CELD ID 26399.
Sharing Food and the Gospel
30. Anonymous. 2017. My Lap CatAnswers 12(4):88. CELD ID 26400.
My Lap Cat