1. Mason, D. 2017. Publisher's Pen: Ussher'd Out!Answers 12(2):10. CELD ID 26311.
Publisher's Pen: Ussher'd Out!
2. Ham, K. 2017. Reformation or Revival?Answers 12(2):12-13. CELD ID 26312.
Reformation or Revival?
3. Hodge, B. 2017. A Gap Too Wide to CrossAnswers 12(2):15-16. CELD ID 26313.
A Gap Too Wide to Cross
4. Anonymous. 2017. Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?Answers 12(2):17. CELD ID 26314.
Why is Creation Such a Big Deal?
5. Bruce, HB. 2017. Echidna-Outback OddityAnswers 12(2):19-21. CELD ID 26315.
Echidna-Outback Oddity
6. Skinner, M. 2017. The Ultimate Electric MachineAnswers 12(2):22-23. CELD ID 26316.
The Ultimate Electric Machine
7. Menton, D. 2017. You Have Good Taste!Answers 12(2):24-25. CELD ID 26317.
You Have Good Taste!
8. Anonymous. 2017. Honeybee HVACAnswers 12(2):26. CELD ID 26318.
Honeybee HVAC
9. Anonymous. 2017. Feathered FurorAnswers 12(2):29-30. CELD ID 26319.
Feathered Furor
10. Anonymous. 2017. Ant FarmsAnswers 12(2):30. CELD ID 26320.
Ant Farms
11. Anonymous. 2017. Monkey Mind GamesAnswers 12(2):31. CELD ID 26321.
Monkey Mind Games
12. Anonymous. 2017. Rocks for BrainsAnswers 12(2):31. CELD ID 26322.
Rocks for Brains
13. Anonymous. 2017. Genesis put the Brakes on EvolutionAnswers 12(2):32. CELD ID 26323.
Genesis put the Brakes on Evolution
14. Anonymous. 2017. Cheesy EvolutionAnswers 12(2):33. CELD ID 26324.
Cheesy Evolution
15. Psarris, S. 2017. Inching Away from an Old EarthAnswers 12(2):34-36. CELD ID 26325.
Inching Away from an Old Earth
16. Mitchell, E. 2017. One Step Closer to Life?Answers 12(2):38-39. CELD ID 26326.
One Step Closer to Life?
17. Anonymous. 2017. These Bones Were Made for Swingin'Answers 12(2):40-41. CELD ID 26327.
These Bones Were Made for Swingin'
18. Anonymous. 2017. Selection Equals Evolution?Answers 12(2):42. CELD ID 26328.
Selection Equals Evolution?
19. Anonymous. 2017. Finding Truth in the NewsAnswers 12(2):45-46. CELD ID 26329.
Finding Truth in the News
20. Anonymous. 2017. A New Kind of Family?Answers 12(2):46. CELD ID 26330.
A New Kind of Family?
21. Anonymous. 2017. Science's Authority VS. Biblical AuthorityAnswers 12(2):46. CELD ID 26331.
Science's Authority VS. Biblical Authority
22. Anonymous. 2017. Mixed Reactions to the ArkAnswers 12(2):47. CELD ID 26332.
Mixed Reactions to the Ark
23. Patterson, R. 2017. Not Sure? Just ASK!Answers 12(2):48-51. CELD ID 26333.
Not Sure? Just ASK!
24. Golden, S. 2017. What Are the Dangers of Quote Mining?Answers 12(2):52. CELD ID 26334.
What Are the Dangers of Quote Mining?
25. UpChurch, J. 2017. Taste & SeeAnswers 12(2):54-63. CELD ID 26335.
Taste & See
26. Snelling, AA. 2017. Five Mass Extinctions or One Cataclysmic Event?Answers 12(2):64-70. CELD ID 26336.
Five Mass Extinctions or One Cataclysmic Event?
27. Chaffey, T. 2017. Is the Bible a Distraction?Answers 12(2):72-76. CELD ID 26337.
Is the Bible a Distraction?
28. Anonymous. 2017. God's Words in Our MindsAnswers 12(2):78-79. CELD ID 26338.
God's Words in Our Minds
29. Anonymous. 2017. Creation Through a Camera LensAnswers 12(2):80. CELD ID 26339.
Creation Through a Camera Lens
30. Anonymous. 2017. Every Day A New DayAnswers 12(2):82. CELD ID 26340.
Every Day A New Day