1. Mason, D. 2016. Publisher's PenAnswers 11(2):8. CELD ID 26179.
Publisher's Pen
2. C, D. 2016. Readers Respond: Ark AnguishAnswers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26180.
Readers Respond: Ark Anguish
3. Anonymous . 2016. Editor's Response: Ark AnguishAnswers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26181.
Editor's Response: Ark Anguish
4. J, S. 2016. Readers Response: Seeing SnowflakesAnswers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26182.
Readers Response: Seeing Snowflakes
5. W, J. 2016. Readers Respond: A Horse Is a HorseAnswers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26183.
Readers Respond: A Horse Is a Horse
6. Anonymous. 2016. Author's Response: A Horse Is a HorseAnswers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26184.
Author's Response: A Horse Is a Horse
7. M, L. 2016. Readers Respond: Reinforing the Bible's AuthorityAnswers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26185.
Readers Respond: Reinforing the Bible's Authority
8. H, S. 2016. Readers Respond: What's in a Name?Answers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26186.
Readers Respond: What's in a Name?
9. B, E. 2016. Readers Respond: Are Trees Alive?Answers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26187.
Readers Respond: Are Trees Alive?
10. Anonymous. 2016. Editor's Response: Are Trees Alive?Answers 11(2):9. CELD ID 26188.
Editor's Response: Are Trees Alive?
11. Anonymous. 2016. Color it BlueAnswers 11(2):11-12. CELD ID 26189.
Color it Blue
12. Anonymous. 2016. Fickle SticklebacksAnswers 11(2):12. CELD ID 26190.
Fickle Sticklebacks
13. Anonymous. 2016. Gibbon the Opportunity...Answers 11(2):13. CELD ID 26191.
Gibbon the Opportunity...
14. Anonymous. 2016. A Replacement for Pluto?Answers 11(2):13. CELD ID 26192.
A Replacement for Pluto?
15. Anonymous. 2016. Trashing the BibleAnswers 11(2):15. CELD ID 26193.
Trashing the Bible
16. Anonymous. 2016. First Admendment UpheldAnswers 11(2):15. CELD ID 26194.
First Admendment Upheld
17. Anonymous. 2016. Trashing the BibleAnswers 11(2):15. CELD ID 26195.
18. Anonymous. 2016. Passing JusticeAnswers 11(2):16. CELD ID 26196.
Passing Justice
19. Anonymous. 2016. No Jesus at NASAAnswers 11(2):16. CELD ID 26197.
No Jesus at NASA
20. Scharf, PJ. 2016. A Daily Dose of TruthAnswers 11(2):19-20. CELD ID 26198.
A Daily Dose of Truth
21. Anonymous. 2016. Not Your Great-Great-...Grandfather's ArkAnswers 11(2):20. CELD ID 26199.
Not Your Great-Great-...Grandfather's Ark
22. Anonymous. 2016. An Interview with Dr. Mac Brunson-Genesis Provides Authority for Church MinistryAnswers 11(2):21. CELD ID 26200.
An Interview with Dr. Mac Brunson-Genesis Provides Authority for Church Ministry
23. Anonymous. 2016. Why Do Christians Care So Much About Creation?Answers 11(2):22. CELD ID 26201.
Why Do Christians Care So Much About Creation?
24. Anonymous. 2016. Suprised by God's MajestyAnswers 11(2):23. CELD ID 26202.
Suprised by God's Majesty
25. McDorman, S. 2016. Bulletproof BanditosAnswers 11(2):24-26. CELD ID 26203.
Bulletproof Banditos
26. Anonymous. 2016. Ancient Blobs of the AndesAnswers 11(2):27. CELD ID 26204.
Ancient Blobs of the Andes
27. Anonymous. 2016. Jaws of LifeAnswers 11(2):28. CELD ID 26205.
Jaws of Life
28. Gollmer, S. 2016. The End of Global WarmingAnswers 11(2):30-32. CELD ID 26206.
The End of Global Warming
29. Clarey, TL. 2016. Supersized LandslidesAnswers 11(2):33. CELD ID 26207.
Supersized Landslides
30. DeYoung, D. 2016. When a Knot Is Not a KnotAnswers 11(2):34-35. CELD ID 26208.
When a Knot Is Not a Knot
31. Wilson, G. 2016. The Ultimate Web DesignerAnswers 11(2):36-38. CELD ID 26209.
The Ultimate Web Designer
32. Snelling, AA. 2016. Misunderstood Messengers from SpaceAnswers 11(2):40-44. CELD ID 26210.
Misunderstood Messengers from Space
33. Faulkner, DR. 2016. Uncovering Assumptions at NewgrangeAnswers 11(2):46-49. CELD ID 26211.
Uncovering Assumptions at Newgrange
34. Ham, K. 2016. Steadfast in the Midst of ScoffersAnswers 11(2):52-53. CELD ID 26212.
Steadfast in the Midst of Scoffers
35. Osborne, B. 2016. The Power of Biblical ChronologyAnswers 11(2):54-55. CELD ID 26213.
The Power of Biblical Chronology
36. UpChurch, J. 2016. Suprising Similarities Between Creation & EvolutionAnswers 11(2):56-65. CELD ID 26214.
Suprising Similarities Between Creation & Evolution
37. Bruce, HB. 2016. Masters of DisguiseAnswers 11(2):66-72. CELD ID 26215.
Masters of Disguise
38. Purdom, G. 2016. DNA's Hidden CodesAnswers 11(2):74-78. CELD ID 26216.
DNA's Hidden Codes
39. Reissig, C. 2016. A Purpose Better than FeminismAnswers 11(2):80-84. CELD ID 26217.
A Purpose Better than Feminism
40. Patterson, R. 2016. How to Make Sense of Ape-MenAnswers 11(2):87-89. CELD ID 26218.
How to Make Sense of Ape-Men
41. Newcomer, J. 2016. A Word Is Worth a Thousand PicturesAnswers 11(2):91-92. CELD ID 26219.
A Word Is Worth a Thousand Pictures
42. Wild, L. 2016. Children in the Hands of a Powerful GodAnswers 11(2):93. CELD ID 26220.
Children in the Hands of a Powerful God
43. Purdom, G. 2016. Should I Only Attend a College That Teaches Biblical Creation?Answers 11(2):94-95. CELD ID 26221.
Should I Only Attend a College That Teaches Biblical Creation?
44. Anonymous. 2016. Biblical Answers for the HurtingAnswers 11(2):96. CELD ID 26222.
Biblical Answers for the Hurting
45. Matthews, M. 2016. How to Treat our EnemiesAnswers 11(2):98. CELD ID 26223.
How to Treat our Enemies