1. Mason, D. 2016. Everything ChangedAnswers 11(1):8. CELD ID 26128.
Everything Changed
2. G, S. 2016. Readers Respond: Hidden PowersAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26129.
Readers Respond: Hidden Powers
3. E, J. 2016. Readers Respond: Great Subscriber-Only ExtraAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26130.
Readers Respond: Great Subscriber-Only Extra
4. Anonymous. 2016. Editor's Note: Great Subscriber-Only ExtraAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26131.
Editor's Note: Great Subscriber-Only Extra
5. N, R. 2016. Readers Respond: Sifting Through Layers of MeaningAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26132.
Readers Respond: Sifting Through Layers of Meaning
6. F, A. 2016. Readers Respond: Young Pluto, Young PersonAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26133.
Readers Respond: Young Pluto, Young Person
7. F, R. 2016. Readers Respond: The Stones Cry OutAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26134.
Readers Respond: The Stones Cry Out
8. W, L. 2016. Readers Respond: OverpopulationAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26135.
Readers Respond: Overpopulation
9. Anonymous. 2016. Author's Response: OverpopulationAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26136.
Author's Response: Overpopulation
10. R, J. 2016. Readers Respond: Should We Live Off the Land?Answers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26137.
Readers Respond: Should We Live Off the Land?
11. Anonymous. 2016. Author's Response: Should We Live Off the LandAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26138.
Author's Response: Should We Live Off the Land
12. M,B . 2016. Readers Respond: Citation NeededAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26139.
Readers Respond: Citation Needed
13. Anonymous. 2016. Editor's Response: Citation NeededAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26140.
Editor's Response: Citation Needed
14. H, J. 2016. Readers Respond: By Grace Through FaithAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26141.
Readers Respond: By Grace Through Faith
15. Anonymous. 2016. Readers Respond: CorrectionsAnswers 11(1):9. CELD ID 26142.
Readers Respond: Corrections
16. Anonymous. 2016. New Find...Same QuestionAnswers 11(1):11-12. CELD ID 26143.
New Find...Same Question
17. Anonymous. 2016. Shell SurvivorAnswers 11(1):12. CELD ID 26144.
Shell Survivor
18. Anonymous. 2016. Jail the SkepticsAnswers 11(1):13. CELD ID 26145.
Jail the Skeptics
19. Anonymous. 2016. Getting a Grip on Human OriginsAnswers 11(1):13. CELD ID 26146.
Getting a Grip on Human Origins
20. Anonymous. 2016. Only a Taste of Suffering to ComeAnswers 11(1):13. CELD ID 26147.
Only a Taste of Suffering to Come
21. Anonymous. 2016. Up with DownAnswers 11(1):14. CELD ID 26148.
Up with Down
22. Anonymous. 2016. Life on Mars!Answers 11(1):15. CELD ID 26149.
Life on Mars!
23. Anonymous. 2016. Tree or Orchard of Life?Answers 11(1):16. CELD ID 26150.
Tree or Orchard of Life?
24. Anonymous. 2016. Amish ArkitectureAnswers 11(1):19-20. CELD ID 26151.
Amish Arkitecture
25. Scharf, PJ. 2016. An Interview with Dr. Woodrow Kroll-Bible Literacy Begins in GenesisAnswers 11(1):21. CELD ID 26152.
An Interview with Dr. Woodrow Kroll-Bible Literacy Begins in Genesis
26. Anonymous. 2016. Why Do Christians Care So Much About Creation?Answers 11(1):22. CELD ID 26153.
Why Do Christians Care So Much About Creation?
27. Anonymous. 2016. Untarnished ValueAnswers 11(1):23. CELD ID 26154.
Untarnished Value
28. Ross, M. 2016. Winged WondersAnswers 11(1):24-26. CELD ID 26155.
Winged Wonders
29. Anonymous. 2016. Climbing FeatAnswers 11(1):27. CELD ID 26156.
Climbing Feat
30. Anonymous. 2016. Bee BeaconsAnswers 11(1):28. CELD ID 26157.
Bee Beacons
31. Davis, B, Matthews, M. 2016. Defining Species-An Elephant-Sized ProblemAnswers 11(1):30-33. CELD ID 26158.
Defining Species-An Elephant-Sized Problem
32. Menton, D. 2016. Salt Removal on DemandAnswers 11(1):34-35. CELD ID 26159.
Salt Removal on Demand
33. Vardiman, L. 2016. Snowflakes-The Patron's GiftAnswers 11(1):36-37. CELD ID 26160.
Snowflakes-The Patron's Gift
34. DeYoung, D. 2016. Why Not a Square Tree?Answers 11(1):38-39. CELD ID 26161.
Why Not a Square Tree?
35. Mitchell, T. 2016. All Systems GoAnswers 11(1):40. CELD ID 26162.
All Systems Go
36. Ham, K. 2016. Do Creationists Change?Answers 11(1):42-45. CELD ID 26163.
Do Creationists Change?
37. Ham, S. 2016. How to Myth-Interpret the BibleAnswers 11(1):46-49. CELD ID 26164.
How to Myth-Interpret the Bible
38. Snelling, AA. 2016. Plate Tectonics-The Reality Behind a TheoryAnswers 11(1):52-55. CELD ID 26165.
Plate Tectonics-The Reality Behind a Theory
39. Belknap, M, Chaffey, T. 2016. Reimagining Ark AnimalsAnswers 11(1):56-62. CELD ID 26166.
Reimagining Ark Animals
40. Matthews, M, UpChurch, J. 2016. Creationists' Power to PredictAnswers 11(1):64-73. CELD ID 26167.
Creationists' Power to Predict
41. Matthews, M, UpChurch, J. 2016. Creationists' Power to Predict: Earth's Flowing MantleAnswers 11(1):67-68. CELD ID 26168.
Creationists' Power to Predict: Earth's Flowing Mantle
42. Matthews, M, UpChurch, J. 2016. Creationists' Power to Predict: Earth's Magnetic PersonalityAnswers 11(1):69-71. CELD ID 26169.
Creationists' Power to Predict: Earth's Magnetic Personality
43. Matthews, M, UpChurch, J. 2016. Creationist' Power to Predict: Rapid RadiohalosAnswers 11(1):72-73. CELD ID 26170.
Creationist' Power to Predict: Rapid Radiohalos
44. Johnson, M. 2016. Losing Liberty Without Losing HopeAnswers 11(1):74-78. CELD ID 26171.
Losing Liberty Without Losing Hope
45. Sullivan, DM. 2016. Gene Editing and Designer Babies-Why the Future Desperately Needs UsAnswers 11(1):80-84. CELD ID 26172.
Gene Editing and Designer Babies-Why the Future Desperately Needs Us
46. Purdom, G. 2016. The Proper Place for Natural SelectionAnswers 11(1):87-89. CELD ID 26173.
The Proper Place for Natural Selection
47. Olinger, D. 2016. "When I Grow Up..."Answers 11(1):91-92. CELD ID 26174.
"When I Grow Up..."
48. Wild, M. 2016. Seeing the Creator EverywhereAnswers 11(1):93. CELD ID 26175.
Seeing the Creator Everywhere
49. Abney, C. 2016. Bruce or Caitlyn...What's in a Name?Answers 11(1):94. CELD ID 26176.
Bruce or Caitlyn...What's in a Name?
50. Anonymous. 2016. Ocean Full of CommotionAnswers 11(1):96. CELD ID 26177.
Ocean Full of Commotion
51. Matthews, M. 2016. Science in Sunday SchoolAnswers 11(1):98. CELD ID 26178.
Science in Sunday School