1. Mason, D. 2006. Publisher's PenAnswers 1(2):6. CELD ID 19495.
Publisher's Pen
2. Anonymous. 2006. Readers RespondAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19496.
Readers Respond
3. Butler, T. 2006. Share Your DinosaursAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19497.
Share Your Dinosaurs
4. Gary. 2006. Dr. MorrisAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19498.
Dr. Morris
5. Embrey, K. 2006. What About More Animals?Answers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19499.
What About More Animals?
6. Stoll, D. 2006. "Top Flight"Answers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19500.
"Top Flight"
7. Seigler, H. 2006. Science & Culture NewsAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19501.
Science & Culture News
8. W, J. 2006. New Magazine Not PerferredAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19502.
New Magazine Not Perferred
9. Richard et al. 2006. Kids AnswersAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19503.
Kids Answers
10. Smith, A. 2006. Sucked Into TruthAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19504.
Sucked Into Truth
11. Curran, T. 2006. Tracts for Young EvangelistsAnswers 1(2):8. CELD ID 19505.
Tracts for Young Evangelists
12. Todhunter, M. 2006. Do Leaves Die?Answers 1(2):10-13. CELD ID 19506.
Do Leaves Die?
13. Anonymous. 2006. Bad MedicineAnswers 1(2):14. CELD ID 19507.
Bad Medicine
14. Anonymous. 2006. Be Our Eyes and EarsAnswers 1(2):14. CELD ID 19508.
Be Our Eyes and Ears
15. Anonymous. 2006. Bacteria Back CreationAnswers 1(2):14-15. CELD ID 19509.
Bacteria Back Creation
16. Anonymous. 2006. A Comet's TaleAnswers 1(2):14-15. CELD ID 19510.
A Comet's Tale
17. Anonymous. 2006. The Mother Lode of Ancestral MomsAnswers 1(2):15. CELD ID 19511.
The Mother Lode of Ancestral Moms
18. Anonymous. 2006. Georgia on the Mind...AgainAnswers 1(2):18. CELD ID 19512.
Georgia on the Mind...Again
19. Anonymous. 2006. The Chimp Connection?Answers 1(2):18-19. CELD ID 19513.
The Chimp Connection?
20. Anonymous. 2006. Six Days of Creation-A Superstition?Answers 1(2):18-19. CELD ID 19514.
Six Days of Creation-A Superstition?
21. Anonymous. 2006. A Field Day for EvolutionAnswers 1(2):19. CELD ID 19515.
A Field Day for Evolution
22. Anonymous. 2006. It's Not Luke 2Answers 1(2):19. CELD ID 19516.
It's Not Luke 2
23. Ham, K. 2006. The Ghost of DarwinAnswers 1(2):20-22. CELD ID 19517.
The Ghost of Darwin
24. Oard, M. 2006. Global WarmingAnswers 1(2):24-26. CELD ID 19518.
Global Warming
25. Anonymous. 2006. Could Global Warming Cause Another Ice Age?Answers 1(2):25. CELD ID 19519.
Could Global Warming Cause Another Ice Age?
26. Whitmore, J. 2006. Exploding FishAnswers 1(2):27-31. CELD ID 19520.
Exploding Fish
27. Christian, M. 2006. CamelsAnswers 1(2):32-34. CELD ID 19521.
28. Hillard, T. 2006. Happy HolidaysAnswers 1(2):36-41. CELD ID 19522.
Happy Holidays
29. Lisle, J. 2006. The Star of BethlehemAnswers 1(2):42, 51-52, 84. CELD ID 19523.
The Star of Bethlehem
30. Gibbs, D; Gibbs, D. 2006. Christ, Christmas, and the U.S. ConstituionAnswers 1(2):54-55. CELD ID 19524.
Christ, Christmas, and the U.S. Constituion
31. Waldron, S. 2006. Why Did Jesus Have to Die?Answers 1(2):56-57. CELD ID 19525.
Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
32. Mitchell, T. 2006. Family Times and Family TearsAnswers 1(2):58-59. CELD ID 19526.
Family Times and Family Tears
33. Ham, K; Pierce, L. 2006. Who Begat Whom?Answers 1(2):60-63. CELD ID 19527.
Who Begat Whom?
34. Purdom, G. 2006. If human and chimp DNA are so similar, why are there so many physical and mental differences between them?Answers 1(2):64. CELD ID 19528.
If human and chimp DNA are so similar, why are there so many physical and mental differences between them?
35. Anonymous. 2006. Learn to Read CriticallyAnswers 1(2):66. CELD ID 19529.
Learn to Read Critically
36. Anonymous. 2006. Zoos-Evolutionary Propoganda or Teaching Opportunity?Answers 1(2):66. CELD ID 19530.
Zoos-Evolutionary Propoganda or Teaching Opportunity?
37. Anonymous. 2006. Vestigal StructuresAnswers 1(2):66-67. CELD ID 19531.
Vestigal Structures
38. Anonymous. 2006. Worldview AcademyAnswers 1(2):67. CELD ID 19532.
Worldview Academy
39. Anonymous. 2006. Have Moter Home-Will TravelAnswers 1(2):68. CELD ID 19533.
Have Moter Home-Will Travel
40. Anonymous. 2006. Remembering the Creator-From SpaceAnswers 1(2):68. CELD ID 19534.
Remembering the Creator-From Space
41. Anonymous. 2006. Translating TruthAnswers 1(2):68. CELD ID 19535.
Translating Truth
42. Anonymous. 2006. When the World Comes KnockingAnswers 1(2):68-69. CELD ID 19536.
When the World Comes Knocking
43. Anonymous. 2006. Bringing the God of History and Science to the PhilippinesAnswers 1(2):69. CELD ID 19537.
Bringing the God of History and Science to the Philippines
44. Jack, B. 2006. Taking Back the TemplesAnswers 1(2):70-72. CELD ID 19538.
Taking Back the Temples
45. Lisle, J. 2006. God & Natural LawAnswers 1(2):74-78. CELD ID 19539.
God & Natural Law
46. Sheppard, P. 2006. From Boyhood Geology to Ph.D.Answers 1(2):80-81. CELD ID 19540.
From Boyhood Geology to Ph.D.
47. White, M. 2006. Billions of People in Thousands of Years?Answers 1(2):82-83. CELD ID 19541.
Billions of People in Thousands of Years?
48. Anonymous. 2006. The Heavens Declare the Glory of GodAnswers 1(2):86-87. CELD ID 19542.
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
49. Anonymous. 2006. Evolution ExposedAnswers 1(2):90. CELD ID 19543.
Evolution Exposed