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Contents of ARTIFAX 20(4)

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1. Lefkovits, E. 2005.

Shards of Evidence
ARTIFAX 20(4):1, 3. CELD ID 27089.

2. Anonymous. 2005.

A Man's Home is His Museum
ARTIFAX 20(4):1, 4. CELD ID 27090.

3. G, DE. 2005.

ARTIFAX 20(4):2. CELD ID 27091.

4. Anonymous. 2005.

Editor's note
ARTIFAX 20(4):2. CELD ID 27092.

5. Anonymous. 2005.

Excavations at Tel Kebri Highly Successful
ARTIFAX 20(4):4. CELD ID 27093.

6. Anonymous. 2005.

Royal Seal Uneartherd in City of David
ARTIFAX 20(4):4. CELD ID 27094.

7. Lefkovits, E. 2005.

Caesarea Byzantine Mansion Site Inaugurated
ARTIFAX 20(4):5. CELD ID 27095.

8. Anonymous. 2005.

Birthplace of St. Patrick
ARTIFAX 20(4):5. CELD ID 27096.

9. Siegel-Itzkovich, J. 2005.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient riddle Elues Archaeologists
ARTIFAX 20(4):6. CELD ID 27097.

10. Anonymous. 2005.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient Tiberias Reveals More of its Beauty
ARTIFAX 20(4):6-7. CELD ID 27098.

11. Anonymous. 2005.

Israel Arhaeology News Digest: Monumental Waer System Investigated Near Jerusalem
ARTIFAX 20(4):7-8. CELD ID 27099.

12. Anonymous. 2005.

Discoveries at Gath Back Biblical Destruction
ARTIFAX 20(4):8. CELD ID 27100.

13. Anonymous. 2005.

Beth-Shemesh Gate Well-Preserved
ARTIFAX 20(4):8. CELD ID 27101.

14. Anonymous. 2005.

pendant Suggests Da Vinci Code
ARTIFAX 20(4):9. CELD ID 27102.

15. Lefkovits, E. 2005.

First Temple-era Seal Discovered
ARTIFAX 20(4):9. CELD ID 27103.

16. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Mosaic of St. George at Palmrya
ARTIFAX 20(4):10. CELD ID 27104.

17. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Sarcophagus with Mummy
ARTIFAX 20(4):10. CELD ID 27105.

18. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Royal Crowns Found in Turkey
ARTIFAX 20(4):10. CELD ID 27106.

19. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Manfred Korfmann, Archaeologists of Troy
ARTIFAX 20(4):10. CELD ID 27107.

20. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Excavations at Zeugma Continue
ARTIFAX 20(4):10. CELD ID 27108.

21. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Group Tries to Save Iranian Sites
ARTIFAX 20(4):10-11. CELD ID 27109.

22. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: "Coupons" Found in Iran
ARTIFAX 20(4):11. CELD ID 27110.

23. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Sivand Dam Damage
ARTIFAX 20(4):11. CELD ID 27111.

24. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Ancient City Damaged by Iraq War
ARTIFAX 20(4):11. CELD ID 27112.

25. Anonymous. 2005.

The Ancient World: Ancient Iraqi Harp Reproduced by Liverpool Enginers
ARTIFAX 20(4):11. CELD ID 27113.

26. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Roman Mosaic in Sinai
ARTIFAX 20(4):12. CELD ID 27114.

27. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Hyksos Fort Found in Sinai
ARTIFAX 20(4):12. CELD ID 27115.

28. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Codex Sinaiticus Goes On-Line
ARTIFAX 20(4):12. CELD ID 27116.

29. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: St. Anthony's Monastery
ARTIFAX 20(4):12. CELD ID 27117.

30. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Evidence of Ancient Egyptian Gossip
ARTIFAX 20(4):12-13. CELD ID 27118.

31. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: EFinds of Ramses II in Cairo Suburbn
ARTIFAX 20(4):13. CELD ID 27119.

32. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Egypt Wants Rosetta Stone Back
ARTIFAX 20(4):13. CELD ID 27120.

33. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Egyptian-Italian Papyrus Lab Inaugurated
ARTIFAX 20(4):13. CELD ID 27121.

34. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Sarcophagus Found at Saqqara
ARTIFAX 20(4):13. CELD ID 27122.

35. Anonymous. 2005.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Ancient Burial Path, the Serapeum Way
ARTIFAX 20(4):13. CELD ID 27123.

36. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Colosseum's Brick Factory Discovered
ARTIFAX 20(4):14. CELD ID 27124.

37. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Artifacts of Forum Sewer
ARTIFAX 20(4):14. CELD ID 27125.

38. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Pompeii's Silver Dining Set
ARTIFAX 20(4):14. CELD ID 27126.

39. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Caesar's Veterans in Albania
ARTIFAX 20(4):14. CELD ID 27127.

40. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Catacombs Connect Christ & Jews
ARTIFAX 20(4):14-15. CELD ID 27128.

41. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Correction
ARTIFAX 20(4):14. CELD ID 27129.

42. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Gold Treasure of a Thracian Tomb
ARTIFAX 20(4):15. CELD ID 27130.

43. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Roman Highway a Marvel
ARTIFAX 20(4):15. CELD ID 27131.

44. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Roman Temple on Pantelleria
ARTIFAX 20(4):15. CELD ID 27132.

45. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Site of Naval Battle
ARTIFAX 20(4):15. CELD ID 27133.

46. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Athens Silver Hoard
ARTIFAX 20(4):15. CELD ID 27134.

47. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: American Archaeologists Return to Libya
ARTIFAX 20(4):15. CELD ID 27135.

48. Anonymous. 2005.

The Greek and Roman World: Dining Bench Found in Italy
ARTIFAX 20(4):15. CELD ID 27136.

49. Robertson, H. 2005.

Discovery of Cuneiform Tablet Supports Stories About Sidon's Past
ARTIFAX 20(4):16. CELD ID 27137.

50. Anonymous. 2005.

Jordan: Byzantine Church Found in Jordan
ARTIFAX 20(4):17. CELD ID 27138.

51. Anonumous. 2005.

Jordan: Tal Hesban Restoration
ARTIFAX 20(4):17. CELD ID 27139.

52. Anonymous. 2005.

Dateline Jerusalem
ARTIFAX 20(4):17. CELD ID 27140.

53. Billington, C. 2005.

The Two Exodi of Manetho
ARTIFAX 20(4):18-22. CELD ID 27141.

54. Anonymous. 2005.

Exhibits: Mummies: Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
ARTIFAX 20(4):22. CELD ID 27142.

55. Anonymous. 2005.

Exhibits: The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt
ARTIFAX 20(4):23, 22. CELD ID 27143.

56. Crawford, F. 2005.

X-ray Technology Sheds New Light on Ancient Stone Inscriptions
ARTIFAX 20(4):24. CELD ID 27144.

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