1. Anonymous. 2005. Temple Mount Rubble Yields Jewish ArtifactsARTIFAX 20(2):1-2, 5. CELD ID 27029.
Temple Mount Rubble Yields Jewish Artifacts
2. McCormack, M. 2005. Archaeology Rebuffs RevisionistsARTIFAX 20(2):1, 4-5. CELD ID 27030.
Archaeology Rebuffs Revisionists
3. Rench, A. 2005. New Study on the Shroud of TurinARTIFAX 20(2):3. CELD ID 27031.
New Study on the Shroud of Turin
4. Anonymous. 2005. New Acre Dig OpensARTIFAX 20(2):5. CELD ID 27032.
New Acre Dig Opens
5. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Did Salome Dance on this Marble Floor?ARTIFAX 20(2):6. CELD ID 27033.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Did Salome Dance on this Marble Floor?
6. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: The House of Judah Ha Nasi at Beit She'ArimARTIFAX 20(2):6. CELD ID 27034.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: The House of Judah Ha Nasi at Beit She'Arim
7. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Old WineryARTIFAX 20(2):6. CELD ID 27035.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Old Winery
8. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: TV Program Seeks Truth on CrucifixionARTIFAX 20(2):6. CELD ID 27036.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: TV Program Seeks Truth on Crucifixion
9. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Editor's noteARTIFAX 20(2):6-7. CELD ID 27037.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Editor's note
10. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Beit She'an Venus on DisplayARTIFAX 20(2):7. CELD ID 27038.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Beit She'an Venus on Display
11. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient Dung Dates Negev HerdingARTIFAX 20(2):7. CELD ID 27039.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient Dung Dates Negev Herding
12. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Caesarea's Underwater Concrete RecreatedARTIFAX 20(2):7. CELD ID 27040.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Caesarea's Underwater Concrete Recreated
13. Anonymous. 2005. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Indiana University Again to Dig at Beth ShemeshARTIFAX 20(2):7. CELD ID 27041.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Indiana University Again to Dig at Beth Shemesh
14. Anonymous. 2005. Former IAA Director Amir Drori Passes AwayARTIFAX 20(2):7. CELD ID 27042.
Former IAA Director Amir Drori Passes Away
15. Stoddard, T. 2005. Archaeologist Discovers Ancient Ships in EgyptARTIFAX 20(2):8. CELD ID 27043.
Archaeologist Discovers Ancient Ships in Egypt
16. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Renovations at Sarabit El-KhadimARTIFAX 20(2):9. CELD ID 27044.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Renovations at Sarabit El-Khadim
17. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: King Tutt's Death Still a MysteryARTIFAX 20(2):9. CELD ID 27045.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: King Tutt's Death Still a Mystery
18. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Bead-Covered MummyARTIFAX 20(2):9. CELD ID 27046.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Bead-Covered Mummy
19. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Masked MummyARTIFAX 20(2):9-10. CELD ID 27047.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Masked Mummy
20. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Coptic Artifacts at Al-GurnaARTIFAX 20(2):10. CELD ID 27048.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Coptic Artifacts at Al-Gurna
21. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Karnak and Luxor Temple at RiskARTIFAX 20(2):10. CELD ID 27049.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Karnak and Luxor Temple at Risk
22. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Tar Trade in Ancient EgyptARTIFAX 20(2):10. CELD ID 27050.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Tar Trade in Ancient Egypt
23. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Stone Fortresses Unearthed in the SinaiARTIFAX 20(2):10. CELD ID 27051.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Stone Fortresses Unearthed in the Sinai
24. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Digital X-Ray Equipment for ArchaeologistsARTIFAX 20(2):10. CELD ID 27052.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Digital X-Ray Equipment for Archaeologists
25. Anonymous. 2005. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Construction Workers Held for Antiquities TheftARTIFAX 20(2):10. CELD ID 27053.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Construction Workers Held for Antiquities Theft
26. Anonymous. 2005. Tomb of St. Paul ConfirmedARTIFAX 20(2):11. CELD ID 27054.
Tomb of St. Paul Confirmed
27. Anonymous. 2005. The Tomb of St. PeterARTIFAX 20(2):11. CELD ID 27055.
The Tomb of St. Peter
28. Anonymous. 2005. Mosaic Found in Nero's Golden HouseARTIFAX 20(2):11. CELD ID 27056.
Mosaic Found in Nero's Golden House
29. Anonymous. 2005. Globe is Star CatalogueARTIFAX 20(2):11-12. CELD ID 27057.
Globe is Star Catalogue
30. Anonymous. 2005. Villa of the Papyri DebatedARTIFAX 20(2):12. CELD ID 27058.
Villa of the Papyri Debated
31. Anonymous. 2005. Roman Cloth from Broom PlantARTIFAX 20(2):12. CELD ID 27059.
Roman Cloth from Broom Plant
32. Anonymous. 2005. Palace of RomulusARTIFAX 20(2):12-13. CELD ID 27060.
Palace of Romulus
33. Anonymous. 2005. Mycenean Gold to be TestedARTIFAX 20(2):13. CELD ID 27061.
Mycenean Gold to be Tested
34. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Bas Relief of Darius the GreatARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27062.
The Ancient World: Bas Relief of Darius the Great
35. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: 120-Mile-Long Wall StudiedARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27063.
The Ancient World: 120-Mile-Long Wall Studied
36. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Stylus Found at Elamite SiteARTIFAX 20(2):. CELD ID 27064.
The Ancient World: Stylus Found at Elamite Site
37. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: 60000-Year-Old Jiroft VillageARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27065.
The Ancient World: 60000-Year-Old Jiroft Village
38. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Elamite Inscription Dates SiteARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27066.
The Ancient World: Elamite Inscription Dates Site
39. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Parthian Circular CityARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27067.
The Ancient World: Parthian Circular City
40. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Airport Built Over Iron Age SiteARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27068.
The Ancient World: Airport Built Over Iron Age Site
41. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Burnt RulerARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27069.
The Ancient World: Burnt Ruler
42. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Seven Cuneiform TabletsARTIFAX 20(2):14. CELD ID 27070.
The Ancient World: Seven Cuneiform Tablets
43. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Worker Found Buried with His ToolsARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27071.
The Ancient World: Worker Found Buried with His Tools
44. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Oldest Perfume Production SiteARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27072.
The Ancient World: Oldest Perfume Production Site
45. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Location of Mari was for Metal ProductionARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27073.
The Ancient World: Location of Mari was for Metal Production
46. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Oldest Type of PotteryARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27074.
The Ancient World: Oldest Type of Pottery
47. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Ancient Royal Family Tomb Discovered At Qatna in SyriaARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27075.
The Ancient World: Ancient Royal Family Tomb Discovered At Qatna in Syria
48. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Dam Threatens Roman BathsARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27076.
The Ancient World: Dam Threatens Roman Baths
49. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Babylon Damaged Badly by WarARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27077.
The Ancient World: Babylon Damaged Badly by War
50. Anonymous. 2005. The Ancient World: Editor's NoteARTIFAX 20(2):15. CELD ID 27078.
The Ancient World: Editor's Note
51. Farchakh, J. 2005. Ten Years of Archaeology in LebanonARTIFAX 20(2):16, 30. CELD ID 27079.
Ten Years of Archaeology in Lebanon
52. Billington, CE. 2005. The Nazareth Inscription: Proof of the Resurrection of Christ?ARTIFAX 20(2):17-21. CELD ID 27080.
The Nazareth Inscription: Proof of the Resurrection of Christ?
53. Anonymous. 2005. Protesters Deman Local Arab Rule-Greek Church Rocked by Land Scandal AllegationsARTIFAX 20(2):21. CELD ID 27081.
Protesters Deman Local Arab Rule-Greek Church Rocked by Land Scandal Allegations
54. Powers, T . 2005. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Some Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and Holy ScripturesARTIFAX 20(2):22-28. CELD ID 27082.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Some Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and Holy Scriptures
55. Anonymous. 2005. University of Chicago Returns Ancient Persian Tablets Loaned by IranARTIFAX 20(2):29. CELD ID 27083.
University of Chicago Returns Ancient Persian Tablets Loaned by Iran
56. Anonymous. 2005. Tsunami Uncovers TemplesARTIFAX 20(2):30. CELD ID 27084.
Tsunami Uncovers Temples
57. Anonymous. 2005. Stone Age Discoveries Prove to be FakesARTIFAX 20(2):30. CELD ID 27085.
Stone Age Discoveries Prove to be Fakes
58. Anonymous. 2005. German Anthropologist Found a FraudARTIFAX 20(2):30. CELD ID 27086.
German Anthropologist Found a Fraud
59. Anonymous. 2005. Italy Returns ObeliskARTIFAX 20(2):31. CELD ID 27087.
Italy Returns Obelisk
60. Lefkovits, E. 2005. Israeli Tourism Ministry plans Christian Center in GalileeARTIFAX 20(2):32. CELD ID 27088.
Israeli Tourism Ministry plans Christian Center in Galilee