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Contents of ARTIFAX 19(4)

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1. Herr, LG, Clark, DR. 2004.

3500-Year-Old Bronze Age Temple Discovered in Jordan
ARTIFAX 19(4):1,28. CELD ID 27415.

2. Anonymous. 2004.

New Orleans Seminary Into Archaeology
ARTIFAX 19(4):1,28. CELD ID 27416.

3. Feldinger, LG. 2004.

In the Company of Grave Robbers-Ransacked West Bank Antiquities Turn Into Blackmarket Gold
ARTIFAX 19(4):1-4. CELD ID 27417.

4. Anonymous. 2004.

Grave Robbers
ARTIFAX 19(4):2-4. CELD ID 27418.

5. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: Ein Karem Mikveh May Be the Link to John the Baptist
ARTIFAX 19(4):4. CELD ID 27419.

6. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: Archaeologist Links Cave to John the Baptist
ARTIFAX 19(4):4-5. CELD ID 27420.

7. Anonymous. 2004.

IsraelArchaeology Digest: Scholars Debate Date of the Priestly Benediction
ARTIFAX 19(4):5. CELD ID 27421.

8. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: A Large Hoard of Coins Found in Herodian Palace
ARTIFAX 19(4):5. CELD ID 27422.

9. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: 300,000 Coins Found in Dead Sea
ARTIFAX 19(4):5-7. CELD ID 27423.

10. Lefkovits, E. 2004.

Court Bars Removal of Temple Mount Artifacts
ARTIFAX 19(4):6. CELD ID 27424.

11. Lefkovits, E. 2004.

Second Temple Village Uncovered
ARTIFAX 19(4):7. CELD ID 27425.

12. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: Archaeologists Deny Essenes Lived at Qumran
ARTIFAX 19(4):7. CELD ID 27426.

13. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: Temple Model Moving to Israel Museum
ARTIFAX 19(4):8. CELD ID 27427.

14. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: Palace at Meggido Built After Solomon
ARTIFAX 19(4):8. CELD ID 27428.

15. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: Water Key to the Rise of Civilization
ARTIFAX 19(4):8. CELD ID 27429.

16. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology Digest: Crusader-Era Skeleton Found at Jaffa
ARTIFAX 19(4):8. CELD ID 27430.

17. Katz, S. 2004.

DNA to Reveal Source of Dead Sea Scrolls
ARTIFAX 19(4):9. CELD ID 27431.

18. Anonymous. 2004.

Seeking Olympic Help in Keeping the Sabbath
ARTIFAX 19(4):9. CELD ID 27432.

19. Yang, S. 2004.

Temple of Zues Reconstructed in Tribute to Games
ARTIFAX 19(4):10, 13. CELD ID 27433.

20. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Expedition Seeking Noah's Ark Cancelled
ARTIFAX 19(4):11. CELD ID 27434.

21. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Black Sea Trip Yields No Flood Conclusions
ARTIFAX 19(4):11. CELD ID 27435.

22. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Behistun Documentation Nearly Complete
ARTIFAX 19(4):11. CELD ID 27436.

23. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Iran's Sleeping Parthian City to Awaken.
ARTIFAX 19(4):11-12. CELD ID 27437.

24. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: New Dam Threatens Pasargadae
ARTIFAX 19(4):12. CELD ID 27438.

25. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Achaemenid Architects Buttressed Pasargadae
ARTIFAX 19(4):12. CELD ID 27439.

26. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Underground City Served as Haven
ARTIFAX 19(4):12. CELD ID 27440.

27. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Hiker Stumbles onto Unique Tomb
ARTIFAX 19(4):12. CELD ID 27441.

28. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Ancient Advirtisements from Sassanid Era
ARTIFAX 19(4):12-13. CELD ID 27442.

29. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Fountain of Sagalassos
ARTIFAX 19(4):13. CELD ID 27443.

30. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: First Toilet and Sewer System
ARTIFAX 19(4):13. CELD ID 27444.

31. Anonymous. 2004.

The Greek and Roman World: Bronze Head of Thracian King Discovered in Bulgaria
ARTIFAX 19(4):14. CELD ID 27445.

32. Anonymous. 2004.

The Greek and Roman World: Stone Sarcophagi Show Ancient Greeks were Technically Advanced
ARTIFAX 19(4):14. CELD ID 27446.

33. Anonymous. 2004.

The Greek and Roman World: 2,500 Year-Old Pomegranates at Corinth
ARTIFAX 19(4):14. CELD ID 27447.

34. Anonymous. 2004.

The Greek and Roman World: Trying to Save Herculaneum
ARTIFAX 19(4):14. CELD ID 27448.

35. Jidejian, N. 2004.

Cedars of Lebanon: the Backbone of Ancient Traditions and Culture
ARTIFAX 19(4):15. CELD ID 27449.

36. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Colossal Ramses II Statue
ARTIFAX 19(4):16. CELD ID 27450.

37. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Ramses Suffered From Arthritis
ARTIFAX 19(4):16. CELD ID 27451.

38. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Builders Find Tombs in Suburbs
ARTIFAX 19(4):16. CELD ID 27452.

39. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: 2,500-Year-Old Hidden Tomb
ARTIFAX 19(4):16. CELD ID 27453.

40. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: 6000-Year-Old Aswan Tomb
ARTIFAX 19(4):16. CELD ID 27454.

41. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Robot to Explore Pyramid
ARTIFAX 19(4):16. CELD ID 27455.

42. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Treasures Shed Light on Ancient Cush
ARTIFAX 19(4):16-17. CELD ID 27456.

43. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: 4th Century Cave in Southern Sinai
ARTIFAX 19(4):17. CELD ID 27457.

44. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: X-Rays Unmask Mummy
ARTIFAX 19(4):17. CELD ID 27458.

45. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: No Expense Spared on Animal Mummies
ARTIFAX 19(4):17. CELD ID 27459.

46. Powers, T. 2004.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: Some Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the Holy Scriptures.
ARTIFAX 19(4):18-23. CELD ID 27460.

47. Anonymous. 2004.

The Roots of Christmas
ARTIFAX 19(4):23. CELD ID 27461.

48. Anonymous. 2004.

Palmyra: City in the Sand
ARTIFAX 19(4):24-25. CELD ID 27462.

49. Farchakh, J. 2004.

Discovery of Cave Paintings Expose Origins of Mysterious Religion
ARTIFAX 19(4):25. CELD ID 27463.

50. Anonymous. 2004.

Archaeology Police
ARTIFAX 19(4):25. CELD ID 27464.

51. Honey, C. 2004.

Calvin Professor Known as Global Scholar, Archaeologist
ARTIFAX 19(4):26. CELD ID 27465.

52. Anonymous. 2004.

Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit at NOBTS Archaeological Center
ARTIFAX 19(4):26. CELD ID 27466.

53. Anonymous. 2004.

Church Wants Possession of Upper Room in Jerusalem
ARTIFAX 19(4):26. CELD ID 27467.

54. Anonymous. 2004.

Most Comprehensive Exhibition of Ancient City On Two-Year Tour - Petra: Lost City of Stone' Exhibition at Cincinnati Art Museum
ARTIFAX 19(4):27. CELD ID 27468.

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