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Contents of ARTIFAX 19(3)

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1. Fischel, M. 2004.

History Unearthed: The Pool of Siloam
ARTIFAX 19(3):1,3. CELD ID 27215.

2. Anonymous. 2004.

NEAS Loses Two Top Archaeologists
ARTIFAX 19(3):1-2. CELD ID 27216.

3. Siegel-Itzkovich, J. 2004.

Masada Fell, But it Won't Collapse
ARTIFAX 19(3):1,32. CELD ID 27217.

4. Anonymous. 2004.

Olympics & Archaeology
ARTIFAX 19(3):2. CELD ID 27218.

5. Govier, G. 2004.

Galilee Waters Cover One of Israel's Oldest Archaeological Sites
ARTIFAX 19(3):4. CELD ID 27219.

6. Anonymous. 2004.

WAQF Expanding Past the Temple Mount
ARTIFAX 19(3):4-5. CELD ID 27220.

7. Lefkovits, E. 2004.

Jordanian Team to Fix Eastern Mount Wall
ARTIFAX 19(3):5. CELD ID 27221.

8. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Bethsaida At Et-Tell
ARTIFAX 19(3):6. CELD ID 27222.

9. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News: Kiln Floor Stolen From Park
ARTIFAX 19(3):6-7. CELD ID 27223.

10. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: DNA of Ancient Diseases
ARTIFAX 19(3):7. CELD ID 27224.

11. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Genoa Image of Christ Dates to 13th Century
ARTIFAX 19(3):7. CELD ID 27225.

12. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Jewish God Worshipped at a Temple at Maqqedah
ARTIFAX 19(3):7-8. CELD ID 27226.

13. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Some Scholars Question Dead Sea Scrolls Dating
ARTIFAX 19(3):8-10. CELD ID 27227.

14. Ronnen, M. 2004.

Dead Sea Scrolls Again on View
ARTIFAX 19(3):8. CELD ID 27228.

15. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Dating Fire
ARTIFAX 19(3):10. CELD ID 27229.

16. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ending the "Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period"
ARTIFAX 19(3):10. CELD ID 27230.

17. Anonymous. 2004.

Israel Archaeology News Digest: Explaining a Miracle
ARTIFAX 19(3):10. CELD ID 27231.

18. Wade, JM. 2004.

Moabite Site Provides Evidence on Ancient Cloth Weaving
ARTIFAX 19(3):11,13. CELD ID 27232.

19. Anonymous. 2004.

Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Head of Marcus Aurelius
ARTIFAX 19(3):12. CELD ID 27233.

20. Anonymous. 2004.

Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Petra Eroding
ARTIFAX 19(3):12. CELD ID 27234.

21. Anonymous. 2004.

Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Canal Proposed to Link Dead Sea and Red Sea
ARTIFAX 19(3):12-13. CELD ID 27235.

22. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Halls of Ancient Alexandria
ARTIFAX 19(3):13-14. CELD ID 27236.

23. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Osirion at Abydos has Water Damage
ARTIFAX 19(3):14. CELD ID 27237.

24. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Mummy Unwrapped by Computer
ARTIFAX 19(3):14. CELD ID 27238.

25. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: French Egyptologists Find 50 Mummies
ARTIFAX 19(3):14. CELD ID 27239.

26. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: A Necropolis Near Cairo
ARTIFAX 19(3):14-15. CELD ID 27240.

27. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Gold Miners Homes
ARTIFAX 19(3):15. CELD ID 27241.

28. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Chapel & Boat of Goddess Hathor Found at Dendera
ARTIFAX 19(3):15. CELD ID 27242.

29. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Statues of Cushite Kings
ARTIFAX 19(3):15. CELD ID 27243.

30. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Egyptian Sense of Humor
ARTIFAX 19(3):16. CELD ID 27244.

31. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: More Parts of Isis Found
ARTIFAX 19(3):16. CELD ID 27245.

32. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Egyptian Museum Catalogues Basement
ARTIFAX 19(3):16-17. CELD ID 27246.

33. Anonymous. 2004.

Egypt Archaeology Digest: Fortresses Discovered in North Sinai
ARTIFAX 19(3):17. CELD ID 27247.

34. Hoffmeier, JK. 2004.

Tell el-Borg: 2004 Preliminary Report
ARTIFAX 19(3):16-17. CELD ID 27248.

35. Aling, CF. 2004.

The Isis Cult in the Classical World
ARTIFAX 19(3):18-19. CELD ID 27249.

36. Dahdah, L. 2004.

City was Known to the Ancient Egyptians-Baalbek identified as ancient city of Tunip
ARTIFAX 19(3):20-21. CELD ID 27250.

37. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Nimrud Ivories Deteriorating
ARTIFAX 19(3):22. CELD ID 27251.

38. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Iran Develops Archaeological Park
ARTIFAX 19(3):22. CELD ID 27252.

39. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Cemetery Now Open-Air Archaeological Museum
ARTIFAX 19(3):22. CELD ID 27253.

40. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Loan of Cyrus Cylinder Causes Debate
ARTIFAX 19(3):22. CELD ID 27254.

41. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Storeroom Discovery
ARTIFAX 19(3):22-23. CELD ID 27255.

42. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Satellite Photos Said to Show Noah's Ark
ARTIFAX 19(3):23. CELD ID 27256.

43. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Gourtan is 6000 Years Old
ARTIFAX 19(3):23. CELD ID 27257.

44. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Cuneiform Digitalized
ARTIFAX 19(3):23-24. CELD ID 27258.

45. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Royal Mausoleum of Turkmenistan
ARTIFAX 19(3):24. CELD ID 27259.

46. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Experts Plan Protection of Iraq's Antiquities
ARTIFAX 19(3):24. CELD ID 27260.

47. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Investigation of Damage Babylon
ARTIFAX 19(3):24. CELD ID 27261.

48. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Sites Near Ebla and Mari Said to Date to 80,000 B.C.
ARTIFAX 19(3):24. CELD ID 27262.

49. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: "Burnt City" in Iran in 8th Seasons
ARTIFAX 19(3):24. CELD ID 27263.

50. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Professor Says Atlantis in Southern Spain
ARTIFAX 19(3):24. CELD ID 27264.

51. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Cleansing & Restoration of Pergamon Altar Done
ARTIFAX 19(3):25. CELD ID 27265.

52. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Earthquake Reveals Underground Canals
ARTIFAX 19(3):25. CELD ID 27266.

53. Anonymoua. 2004.

The Ancient World: Discoveries in South Syria
ARTIFAX 19(3):25. CELD ID 27267.

54. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Discoveries at Palmyra
ARTIFAX 19(3):25. CELD ID 27268.

55. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: Grandparents Aided Civilizations
ARTIFAX 19(3):25-26. CELD ID 27269.

56. Anonymous. 2004.

The Ancient World: University of Chicago Returns Tablets to Iran
ARTIFAX 19(3):26. CELD ID 27270.

57. Anonymous. 2004.

The Greek and Roman World: Etruscan Road Linked Two Seas
ARTIFAX 19(3):26. CELD ID 27271.

58. Anonymous. 2004.

The Greek and Roman World: Temple of Venus at Olympic Site
ARTIFAX 19(3):27. CELD ID 27272.

59. Anonymous. 2004.

The Greek and Roman World: Physics and a Corinthian Helmet
ARTIFAX 19(3):27. CELD ID 27273.

60. Koch, G. 2004.

Using Today's Technology to Understand Yesterday's Treasures
ARTIFAX 19(3):27. CELD ID 27274.

61. Anonymous. 2004.

Q & A with Archaeologist David Stronach
ARTIFAX 19(3):28-29. CELD ID 27275.

62. Rodgers, A. 2004.

Pittsburgh Museum Boasts Rare Finds
ARTIFAX 19(3):30. CELD ID 27276.

63. Anonymous. 2004.

Watch Internet for Stolen Artifacts
ARTIFAX 19(3):31. CELD ID 27277.

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