1. Myers, GD. 2004. Silver Scrolls Are Oldest ScriptureARTIFAX 19(2):1-3. CELD ID 26909.
Silver Scrolls Are Oldest Scripture
2. O'Sullivan, A. 2004. Raiders of the Lost SynagogueARTIFAX 19(2):1, 4-5 . CELD ID 26910.
Raiders of the Lost Synagogue
3. Anonymous. 2004. Shrouded Burial had LeprosyARTIFAX 19(2):1, 3. CELD ID 26911.
Shrouded Burial had Leprosy
4. Anonymous. 2004. First Temple Remnant a Fake?ARTIFAX 19(2):3. CELD ID 26912.
First Temple Remnant a Fake?
5. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Jewelry Found in Ein Gedi CaveARTIFAX 19(2):6. CELD ID 26913.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Jewelry Found in Ein Gedi Cave
6. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Sanhedrin's' Basilica Discovered at TiberiasARTIFAX 19(2):6. CELD ID 26914.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Sanhedrin's' Basilica Discovered at Tiberias
7. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Arson Destroys ArtifactsARTIFAX 19(2):6. CELD ID 26915.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Arson Destroys Artifacts
8. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Byzantine Christian VillaARTIFAX 19(2):6-7. CELD ID 26916.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Byzantine Christian Villa
9. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Convent DiscoveredARTIFAX 19(2):7. CELD ID 26917.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Convent Discovered
10. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Grain Seeds from GalileeARTIFAX 19(2):7. CELD ID 26918.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Grain Seeds from Galilee
11. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: IAA to Build a New CampusARTIFAX 19(2):7. CELD ID 26919.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: IAA to Build a New Campus
12. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Israel Sites Need ProtectionARTIFAX 19(2):7. CELD ID 26920.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Israel Sites Need Protection
13. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Palestinians Open MuseumARTIFAX 19(2):7. CELD ID 26921.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Palestinians Open Museum
14. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Palestinians Accuse Israelis of Damaging Archaeological SitesARTIFAX 19(2):7-8. CELD ID 26922.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Palestinians Accuse Israelis of Damaging Archaeological Sites
15. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Jerusalem on Tow Fault LinesARTIFAX 19(2):8. CELD ID 26923.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Jerusalem on Tow Fault Lines
16. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Masada Fresco StolenARTIFAX 19(2):8. CELD ID 26924.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Masada Fresco Stolen
17. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Four Scholars Request New Study of Joash InscriptionARTIFAX 19(2):8. CELD ID 26925.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Four Scholars Request New Study of Joash Inscription
18. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Patina in DisputeARTIFAX 19(2):8-9. CELD ID 26926.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Patina in Dispute
19. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Under TrusteeARTIFAX 19(2):9. CELD ID 26927.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Under Trustee
20. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: What Jesus Learned from the EssenesARTIFAX 19(2):9-10. CELD ID 26928.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: What Jesus Learned from the Essenes
21. Anonymous. 2004. Jordan Archaeology News Digest:ARTIFAX 19(2):10. CELD ID 26929.
Jordan Archaeology News Digest:
22. Anonymous. 2004. Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Wadi Arabah Important for ArchaeologyARTIFAX 19(2):10. CELD ID 26930.
Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Wadi Arabah Important for Archaeology
23. Lefkovits, E. 2004. Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Eastern Temple Mount Wall may CollapseARTIFAX 19(2):11. CELD ID 26931.
Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Eastern Temple Mount Wall may Collapse
24. Anonymous. 2004. Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Wall of Mugrabi Gate Pathway CollapsesARTIFAX 19(2):11. CELD ID 26932.
Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Wall of Mugrabi Gate Pathway Collapses
25. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Archaeology Proves ConversionsARTIFAX 19(2):12. CELD ID 26933.
The Ancient World: Archaeology Proves Conversions
26. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Oldest Evidence of Wine Making Found in GeorgiaARTIFAX 19(2):12. CELD ID 26934.
The Ancient World: Oldest Evidence of Wine Making Found in Georgia
27. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Digital MonasteryARTIFAX 19(2):12. CELD ID 26935.
The Ancient World: Digital Monastery
28. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Domestic Cats on CyprusARTIFAX 19(2):12. CELD ID 26936.
The Ancient World: Domestic Cats on Cyprus
29. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Catapults were IngeniousARTIFAX 19(2):12. CELD ID 26937.
The Ancient World: Catapults were Ingenious
30. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Discoveries at AkrotiriARTIFAX 19(2):12-13. CELD ID 26938.
The Ancient World: Discoveries at Akrotiri
31. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Climate Change & MigrationARTIFAX 19(2):13. CELD ID 26939.
The Ancient World: Climate Change & Migration
32. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Editor's noteARTIFAX 19(2):13. CELD ID 26940.
The Ancient World: Editor's note
33. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Many Artifacts Still Missing in IraqARTIFAX 19(2):13. CELD ID 26941.
The Ancient World: Many Artifacts Still Missing in Iraq
34. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Iran's ExcavationsARTIFAX 19(2):13. CELD ID 26942.
The Ancient World: Iran's Excavations
35. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Jiroft Civilization May Predate SumerARTIFAX 19(2):13. CELD ID 26943.
The Ancient World: Jiroft Civilization May Predate Sumer
36. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: new Subway Uncovers ShipARTIFAX 19(2):14. CELD ID 26944.
The Greek and Roman World: new Subway Uncovers Ship
37. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Darius' Fleet Found off Greek CoastARTIFAX 19(2):14. CELD ID 26945.
The Greek and Roman World: Darius' Fleet Found off Greek Coast
38. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Editor's noteARTIFAX 19(2):14. CELD ID 26946.
39. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Tracing LanguagesARTIFAX 19(2):14. CELD ID 26947.
The Ancient World: Tracing Languages
40. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Editor's noteARTIFAX 19(2):14. CELD ID 26948.
41. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Colosseum Basements Mechanical MarvelsARTIFAX 19(2):15. CELD ID 26949.
The Greek and Roman World: Colosseum Basements Mechanical Marvels
42. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Roman Building MaterialsARTIFAX 19(2):15. CELD ID 26950.
The Greek and Roman World: Roman Building Materials
43. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Roman Restoration OpposedARTIFAX 19(2):15. CELD ID 26951.
The Greek and Roman World: Roman Restoration Opposed
44. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Hoard Yields Rare DomitanusARTIFAX 19(2):15. CELD ID 26952.
The Greek and Roman World: Hoard Yields Rare Domitanus
45. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: New Rosetta Stone Discovered in EgyptARTIFAX 19(2):16. CELD ID 26953.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: New Rosetta Stone Discovered in Egypt
46. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Frontal Pharaoh Portrait FoundARTIFAX 19(2):16. CELD ID 26954.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Frontal Pharaoh Portrait Found
47. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Lion Skeleton Found in Tut Nurse TombARTIFAX 19(2):16. CELD ID 26955.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Lion Skeleton Found in Tut Nurse Tomb
48. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Forgotten Papyri RediscoveredARTIFAX 19(2):16. CELD ID 26956.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Forgotten Papyri Rediscovered
49. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Royal Official's Tomb DiscoveredARTIFAX 19(2):16-17. CELD ID 26957.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Royal Official's Tomb Discovered
50. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: 3500-Year-old CityARTIFAX 19(2):17. CELD ID 26958.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: 3500-Year-old City
51. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Name of Pre-Dynastic King Discovered at OasisARTIFAX 19(2):18. CELD ID 26959.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Name of Pre-Dynastic King Discovered at Oasis
52. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Mummies of Ahmose and Ramses I Placed in Luxor MuseumARTIFAX 19(2):18. CELD ID 26960.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Mummies of Ahmose and Ramses I Placed in Luxor Museum
53. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Huma Sacrifices at AbydosARTIFAX 19(2):18. CELD ID 26961.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Huma Sacrifices at Abydos
54. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Sarcophagus of Ramses VI DisplayedARTIFAX 19(2):18. CELD ID 26962.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Sarcophagus of Ramses VI Displayed
55. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Statues Recovered from NileARTIFAX 19(2):18. CELD ID 26963.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Statues Recovered from Nile
56. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: French Mission Finds MummiesARTIFAX 19(2):18. CELD ID 26964.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: French Mission Finds Mummies
57. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Underwater Discoveries at HeracleumARTIFAX 19(2):18-19. CELD ID 26965.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Underwater Discoveries at Heracleum
58. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Aswan Dam Impacts NubiaARTIFAX 19(2):19. CELD ID 26966.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Aswan Dam Impacts Nubia
59. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Tourists to Help Locate Lost Persian ArmyARTIFAX 19(2):19. CELD ID 26967.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Tourists to Help Locate Lost Persian Army
60. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: American Tourists not Visiting EgyptARTIFAX 19(2):19. CELD ID 26968.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: American Tourists not Visiting Egypt
61. Aling, CF. 2004. Isis Cult in the Classical World: Part VIARTIFAX 19(2):20-21. CELD ID 26969.
Isis Cult in the Classical World: Part VI
62. Billington, CE. 2004. Othniel, Cushan-Rishathaim, and the Date of the ExodusARTIFAX 19(2):22-28. CELD ID 26970.
Othniel, Cushan-Rishathaim, and the Date of the Exodus
63. Anonymous. 2004. The Archaeology of MusicARTIFAX 19(2):28-31. CELD ID 26971.
The Archaeology of Music
64. Anonymous. 2004. What the Subtitles MissedARTIFAX 19(2):32. CELD ID 26972.
What the Subtitles Missed