1. Witherington, B. 2004. Top Ten New Testament Archaeological FindsARTIFAX 19(1):1-4. CELD ID 26852.
Top Ten New Testament Archaeological Finds
2. Anonymous. 2004. New Ossuary Fraud SuspicionsARTIFAX 19(1):1, 32. CELD ID 26853.
New Ossuary Fraud Suspicions
3. Anonymous. 2004. Roman Anchor Found in Dead SeaARTIFAX 19(1):1, 32. CELD ID 26854.
Roman Anchor Found in Dead Sea
4. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ossuary Defended; Experts CriticizedARTIFAX 19(1):5. CELD ID 26855.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ossuary Defended; Experts Criticized
5. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Bible Verse Found on MonumentARTIFAX 19(1):5. CELD ID 26856.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Bible Verse Found on Monument
6. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Tension at the Temple MountARTIFAX 19(1):5-6. CELD ID 26857.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Tension at the Temple Mount
7. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Evidence for Early ThoughtARTIFAX 19(1):6. CELD ID 26858.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Evidence for Early Thought
8. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Bulge Finally FlattenedARTIFAX 19(1):6. CELD ID 26859.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Bulge Finally Flattened
9. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient Jewish village Uncovered in JerusalemARTIFAX 19(1):6. CELD ID 26860.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient Jewish village Uncovered in Jerusalem
10. Lefkovits, E. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Second Temple Period ArtifactsARTIFAX 19(1):6. CELD ID 26861.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Second Temple Period Artifacts
11. Khouri, RG. 2004. Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Two Very Different SitesARTIFAX 19(1):7-8. CELD ID 26862.
Jordan Archaeology News Digest: Two Very Different Sites
12. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient Burial StructureARTIFAX 19(1):8. CELD ID 26863.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Ancient Burial Structure
13. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Excavations in PetraARTIFAX 19(1):8. CELD ID 26864.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Excavations in Petra
14. Anonymous. 2004. Israel Archaeology News Digest: Mada 'En SalehARTIFAX 19(1):8-9. CELD ID 26865.
Israel Archaeology News Digest: Mada 'En Saleh
15. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Cedar Mummification KeyARTIFAX 19(1):9. CELD ID 26866.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Cedar Mummification Key
16. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Baneshi Tomb to be ReconstructedARTIFAX 19(1):9. CELD ID 26867.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Baneshi Tomb to be Reconstructed
17. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Edfu Temple OpensARTIFAX 19(1):9-10. CELD ID 26868.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Edfu Temple Opens
18. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Canadians Study KushARTIFAX 19(1):10. CELD ID 26869.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Canadians Study Kush
19. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Cultural Site Database DevelopedARTIFAX 19(1):10. CELD ID 26870.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Cultural Site Database Developed
20. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Man in ChargeARTIFAX 19(1):10. CELD ID 26871.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Man in Charge
21. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Abydos: A Place with Many Ancient Stories to TellARTIFAX 19(1):11. CELD ID 26872.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Abydos: A Place with Many Ancient Stories to Tell
22. Billington, C. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: The Mummy of the First-Born Son of PharaohARTIFAX 19(1):12-18. CELD ID 26873.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: The Mummy of the First-Born Son of Pharaoh
23. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: new Method for Dating PotteryARTIFAX 19(1):19. CELD ID 26874.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: new Method for Dating Pottery
24. Anonymous. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: Mt. of Olives Cemetery Won't Lose ProtectionARTIFAX 19(1):19. CELD ID 26875.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: Mt. of Olives Cemetery Won't Lose Protection
25. Aling, CF. 2004. Egypt Archaeology Digest: The Isis Cult in the Classical WorldARTIFAX 19(1):20-21. CELD ID 26876.
Egypt Archaeology Digest: The Isis Cult in the Classical World
26. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Ancient Syrian City UncoveredARTIFAX 19(1):22. CELD ID 26877.
The Ancient World: Ancient Syrian City Uncovered
27. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Security Guard Tells Tale of ProtectionARTIFAX 19(1):22. CELD ID 26878.
The Ancient World: Security Guard Tells Tale of Protection
28. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Iraqi Artifacts RecoveredARTIFAX 19(1):22. CELD ID 26879.
The Ancient World: Iraqi Artifacts Recovered
29. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Professor Discusses AperlaeARTIFAX 19(1):22-23. CELD ID 26880.
The Ancient World: Professor Discusses Aperlae
30. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Indo-European Languages' Roots QuestionedARTIFAX 19(1):23. CELD ID 26881.
The Ancient World: Indo-European Languages' Roots Questioned
31. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Ziggurat to be UnearthedARTIFAX 19(1):23. CELD ID 26882.
The Ancient World: Ziggurat to be Unearthed
32. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Early Inhabitation of Lebanese MountainsARTIFAX 19(1):23. CELD ID 26883.
The Ancient World: Early Inhabitation of Lebanese Mountains
33. Anonymous. 2004. The Ancient World: Pennsylvania's Sumerian DictionaryARTIFAX 19(1):23. CELD ID 26884.
The Ancient World: Pennsylvania's Sumerian Dictionary
34. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Stripping PompeiiARTIFAX 19(1):24. CELD ID 26885.
The Greek and Roman World: Stripping Pompeii
35. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Pisa Note Unlike VeniceARTIFAX 19(1):24. CELD ID 26886.
The Greek and Roman World: Pisa Note Unlike Venice
36. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Bronze Age Greek City FoundARTIFAX 19(1):24. CELD ID 26887.
The Greek and Roman World: Bronze Age Greek City Found
37. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Athens Theater MakeoverARTIFAX 19(1):24. CELD ID 26888.
The Greek and Roman World: Athens Theater Makeover
38. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Menander's Writing in Vatican LibraryARTIFAX 19(1):24. CELD ID 26889.
The Greek and Roman World: Menander's Writing in Vatican Library
39. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Etruscan Art Fills GapsARTIFAX 19(1):24-25. CELD ID 26890.
The Greek and Roman World: Etruscan Art Fills Gaps
40. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: New Theory on AtlantisARTIFAX 19(1):25. CELD ID 26891.
The Greek and Roman World: New Theory on Atlantis
41. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Archaeologists Excavate Underground CityARTIFAX 19(1):25. CELD ID 26892.
The Greek and Roman World: Archaeologists Excavate Underground City
42. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Evidence Mounts that Thera Destroyed Minoan CivilizationARTIFAX 19(1):25-26. CELD ID 26893.
The Greek and Roman World: Evidence Mounts that Thera Destroyed Minoan Civilization
43. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Modern Greeks Return to Olympian ReligionARTIFAX 19(1):26. CELD ID 26894.
The Greek and Roman World: Modern Greeks Return to Olympian Religion
44. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Temple of the "Supreme Zeus"ARTIFAX 19(1):26. CELD ID 26895.
The Greek and Roman World: Temple of the "Supreme Zeus"
45. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Skull has Signs of Ancient OperationARTIFAX 19(1):26. CELD ID 26896.
The Greek and Roman World: Skull has Signs of Ancient Operation
46. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Group Worships Norse GodsARTIFAX 19(1):26. CELD ID 26897.
The Greek and Roman World: Group Worships Norse Gods
47. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Antiquities Thief ArrestedARTIFAX 19(1):26-27. CELD ID 26898.
The Greek and Roman World: Antiquities Thief Arrested
48. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Ancient Greeks Sidewalk of FameARTIFAX 19(1):27. CELD ID 26899.
The Greek and Roman World: Ancient Greeks Sidewalk of Fame
49. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Thracian Weapons FactoryARTIFAX 19(1):27. CELD ID 26900.
The Greek and Roman World: Thracian Weapons Factory
50. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Macedonian CemeteryARTIFAX 19(1):27. CELD ID 26901.
The Greek and Roman World: Macedonian Cemetery
51. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Confirmed Caligula LoonyARTIFAX 19(1):27. CELD ID 26902.
The Greek and Roman World: Confirmed Caligula Loony
52. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Necropolis Discovered Near ModenaARTIFAX 19(1):27. CELD ID 26903.
The Greek and Roman World: Necropolis Discovered Near Modena
53. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Brit Claims Secret of Purple DyeARTIFAX 19(1):27. CELD ID 26904.
The Greek and Roman World: Brit Claims Secret of Purple Dye
54. Anonymous. 2004. The Greek and Roman World: Editor's noteARTIFAX 19(1):27. CELD ID 26905.
The Greek and Roman World: Editor's note
55. Anonymous. 2004. Chicago Team Allowed in Iran for ExpeditionARTIFAX 19(1):28. CELD ID 26906.
Chicago Team Allowed in Iran for Expedition
56. Anonymous. 2004. Ground-Penetrating Surveys Support Archaeology Dig in NazarethARTIFAX 19(1):29. CELD ID 26907.
Ground-Penetrating Surveys Support Archaeology Dig in Nazareth
57. Anonymous. 2004. The Passion of Ancient Rites and WorldsARTIFAX 19(1):29. CELD ID 26908.
The Passion of Ancient Rites and Worlds