Bumps in the Big Bang
Humphreys, DR. 1992.  Impact 233:i-iv. CELD ID 2954

In April 1992, a team of scientists working on data from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite made a dramatic announcement: They had found what proponents of the Big Bang theory of the cosmos called the "Holy Grail"--the long-sought "bumps" in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Without really understanding what this meant, newspapers and television commentators reported that the "final proof' for the Big Bang theory had been found, and that "we now know" how the universe began. Theistic evolutionists began trumpeting, even louder, their view that the Bible should be re-interpreted to accommodate the Big Bang's timescale (20 billion years) and evolutionary order of events (sun before earth; death before Adam, etc.). Christian lay people began to ask creationist scientists what the hoopla was all about. What is the cosmic microwave background radiation? What are the "bumps"? Why all the excitement? Is there a creationist explanation? This article seeks to answer those questions.