New books keep coming
Helder, M; Bain, T. 2008.  CS Dialogue 35(3):2. CELD ID 22790

Cool new activity book for youngsters Tammie Burak, a former elementary school teacher, has written an exciting activity book entitled Creatures of the Boreal Forest. The topic is good news for Canadians who sometimes forget the value of this natural community, which is such a prominent component of our landscape. The activity book provides chapters on four creatures: white-tailed deer, common muskrat, black-capped chickadee and bumble bees. Each section begins with a study of Scripture somewhat connected to the challenges which this animal faces and which we face too. Next a brief account of the ecology of each animal is provided including their taxonomic classification (mammal or bird etc). In addition there are vocabulary studies, math problems dealing with population levels, environmental issues, and outdoor activities and a craft.