Report of the 1982 Board of Directors meeting | Frair, W. 1982.
CRSQ 19(2):147-148. CELD ID 5972Abstract The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Creation Research Society for 1982 was held 23 and 24 April, at Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The first session was called to order at 1535 hours, Friday, 23 April, by President Howe, beginning with silent prayer. Present: H. Armstrong, T. Barnes, D. Boylan, C. Burdick, W. Frair, D. Gish, G. Howe, J. Klotz, R. Korthals, J. Meyer, J. Moore, G. Mulfinger, W. Rusch, N. Smith, E. Williams, and P. Zimmerman. Absent: H. Morris and H. Slusher, Several guests were also present, including David Golisch, President of the Creation Science Association of the Greater Detroit Area.