Report of the 1976 meeting of the Board of Directors | Frair, W. 1976.
CRSQ 13(2):124-125. CELD ID 5327Abstract The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Creation Research Society was held at Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Michigan, beginning at 1800 hours Friday, 23 April, with a time of silent prayer. Present were: T. Barnes, E. Williams, H. Armstrong, W. Frair, C. Burdick, D. Gish, G. Howe, J. Klotz, W. Lammerts, L. Lester, J. Meyer, J. Moore, H. Morris, G. Mulfinger, W. Rusch, H. Slusher, and W. Tinkle. R. Korthals, who was absent, had informed the secretary of the circumstances preventing his attending.