Report of 1974 Board of Directors Meeting | Frair, W. 1974.
CRSQ 11(2):126-127. CELD ID 4646Abstract The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Creation Research Society was held at Concordia Lutheran Junior College, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The meeting started Friday, April 19, 1974, at 19:15 hours with a minute of silent prayer. Present: T. Barnes, E. Williams, H. Armstrong, W. Frair, R. Korthals, W. Rusch, C. Burdick, D. Gish, G. Howe, J. Klotz, W. Lammerts, J. Moore, H. Morris, H. Slusher, W. Tinkle. Absent: L. Butler, J. Grebe, K. Linsenmann.