Global Warming and the Flood | Vardiman. 1997.
Impact 294:i-iv. CELD ID 3192Abstract If the Flood really happened as described in Genesis, then the earth's atmosphere, ocean, and crust would have been severely disrupted. Following the Flood, it would have taken thousands of years for these systems to return to a new equilibrium and even then, these systems would continue to exhibit slow changes. It is widely recognized that small changes in the ocean will have large influences on the atmosphere. Not only does the ocean contain over 300 times more mass than the atmosphere, but it also contains over 1000 times more heat energy than the atmosphere. A change of only a few degrees in the sea-surface temperature will exchange large quantities of energy with the atmosphere. The exchange of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other constituents between the ocean and the atmosphere are also important, particularly when the ocean temperature changes. Some of these constituents can have important climatic effects.