Helder, M. 2008.
CS Dialogue 35(1):4-5. CELD ID 22780 Abstract Many people think we can depend upon scientists to draw dependable conclusions. Recent events in the field of environmental science however, throw some interesting light on this issue. When it is evident that a mistake has been made, do scientists change their minds? Not necessarily. The story of atmospheric ozone and the Montreal Protocol, is a case in point. The Montreal Protocol is twenty years old. It was the first major international agreement on an environmental issue of global concern. According to the agreement, major industrial nations agreed to phase out the manufacture of chlorofluorocarbons, chemicals used in cooling systems (refrigerators) and other important industrial applications. More recently the science upon which the negotiations were based, has been called into question. The story of research on atmospheric ozone is certainly a cautionary tale of how not to react to perceived environmental crises.