At last, a book on Mount St. Helens | Helder, M. 2004.
CS Dialogue 31(1):6-7. CELD ID 19941Abstract There is something fascinating about accounts of nature with a scary twist and few people would doubt that volcanoes qualify as scary subjects. The eruption of Krakatoa on August 27, 1883, for example, is said to have constituted the greatest explosion ever recorded by man. The blast, which involved a tiny island in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, was heard on Rodriguez Island more than 4600 kilometres west across the Indian Ocean, and in Perth, Australia, 3500 kilometres to the east. The resulting shock wave is said to have circled the globe seven times. An ash cloud ascended 40 kilometres into the stratosphere and a resulting tidal wave (tsunami) resulted in the deaths of about 35,000 people.