Recent work pays dividends | Helder, M. 2003.
CS Dialogue 30(3):4-5. CELD ID 19933Abstract American scientists from the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Research Society set up a committee to study dating techniques which are often used to justify claims that the earth is very old. This was several years ago. Specifically, these scientists wanted to find out how the numbers obtained from most studies on rocks, could be explained in the context of a relatively young earth. They therefore asked some supplementary questions that secular scientists were not asking. This team had their own ideas as to what the answers would be, but they had to actually do the studies to find out if these were valid. This research would require donations totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars since no government agency in the United States would support such work. The money did come in and the highly technical research was carried out. The answers, while not exactly what they had predicted (in some cases), nevertheless did help to explain how young rocks and thus a young earth came to be the way they are. The secular data, when examined in the context of these recent studies, in no way justify conclusions of an old earth.