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A positive creationist approach utilizing biochemistry
Frair, W. 1985.  NCC83 :33-36. CELD ID 19258

In the current macroevolution position, each living thing is at the terminus of a branch which is connected with branches of all other living things as part of a gigantic tree of life. The empirically-derived alternative to this, which we may term an abrupt-appearance-limited-change model, is represented as a forest of trees whose roots do not join roots of other trees. The term diversification may be used for the changes which have occurred since the inception of each of these trees or "kinds." Some examples of diversification are the Galapagos finches, honey creeper tribe of birds in Hawaii, zebras in South Africa, or box turtles in northeastern United States. In each case there are a variety of forms, and the evidence strongly suggests that these types have been derived from certain ancestors perhaps similar to the way human races have been derived from Adam and Eve.