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Flip side of the midnight sun
Helder, M. 2000.  CS Dialogue 27(2):4-5,7. CELD ID 14544

An old song runs over and over through my head: "We're off to Alaska, land of the midnight sun!" Indeed this attractive feature of the far north attracts scores of tourists. However like many situations, this one involves good news and bad news. The good news is the endless summer days. The bad news, of course, is the endless winter nights. All living creatures thrive in the north during the summer. Plants grow quickly and animals raise their young. The winter however is not only dark, but also very cold. How, one wonders, would organisms fare there if the climate were still dark, but not cold? That's an interesting question because there is scientific evidence for such a situation in the past. Some of the evidence is Canadian and some is American.