Run from Darwinian solutions! | Helder, M. 1998.
CS Dialogue 25(1):6-7. CELD ID 14501Abstract With sparkling eyes, the baby on the cover of TIME magazine's 1997 Special Issue "The Age of Discovery", is ready to reach out for some fascinating object. The theme is a "celebration of mankind's exploration of the unknown." However the issues seems most noteworthy for its atheistic and evolutionary bias. For example, one British author, in describing his boyhood enthusiasm for collecting insects, at the same time confides to us: "The life of those Wiltshire woods and rivers and ponds became, as the comfort of God's presence drained away, so very much more complex than their romantic and theological past suggested. But at 14, this secular revelation was wildly exciting, a liberation from faith." (p. 41) For author Redmond O'Hanlon, the joys of observing nature were closely connected to his new found enthusiasm for Darwin, which he began to read at that time.