Our bodies defending against foreign invaders | Dye, B. 1993.
CS Dialogue 20(1):6-7. CELD ID 13739Abstract We live in a society today which places great emphasis on awareness of ourselves. Naturally, we are all concerned about wellness, both in its mental and physical aspects. A part of this increased emphasis on physical fitness is a desire on the part of many to understand more about looking after our bodies. As a result, an endless stream of information constantly inundates us, telling us how to look after ourselves and what is good or bad for us. Often the suggestions are a trifle impractical. Fortunately for all of us, our bodies have systems in place which provide protection from foreign substances and some environmental factors over which we have little control. We are here referring, of course, to substances or organisms which attack our bodies and not poor health habits such as excessive calorie intake, which we can control. As we shall see, our bodies have tremendously complex systems for immunity and protection, a small portion of which we will examine.