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Book review: Darwinism Defeated? The Johnson-Lamoureux Debate on Biological Origins by Phillip E. Johnson, Denis O. Lamoureux, and J.I. Packer
Helder, M. 2000.  O and D 20(1):34-35. CELD ID 11637

The objectives of the two protagonists tell the story of this book. Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnson seeks "to teach students to be critical of scientific claims that are based upon naturalistic assumptions" (p. 56). By contrast, Denis Lamoureux of St. Joseph's College, University of Alberta, wishes "to teach Christian students to be critical of the antievolutionary claims of their faith tradition and the assumptions upon which these are based (e.g., the God-of-the-gaps position, the literalist and concordist interpretations of Genesis 1-11, etc.)" (p. 73). The issue thus becomes one of fundamental approach: should students, or anyone, critically evaluate the pronouncements of modern science or merely accept them at face value?